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Do You Or Someone You Know Have A Digital Addiction?

“Disconnecting from our technology to reconnect with ourselves is absolutely essential.”

- Arianna Huffington

With technology and digital devices being easily accessible to all age groups, people are getting more dependent on their devices. There’s a fine line between the dependence on digital devices and addiction to them.

Nowadays, it’s often seen that people are relying so much on their devices for work and entertainment that some people will say they can’t imaging living without their cell phones, laptops, or gaming devices. That’s when the dependence turns into an addiction.

Effects of Digital Addiction

Digital addiction has almost the same effects on the brain that drugs and substance use do. And digital addiction has been increasing at an alarming rate recently, especially among the younger generation. Here are some impacts of digital addiction on the day to day life-

  • Spending free time on gadgets and devices

  • Engaging less in physical activities like playing or exercising

  • Isolation from human interaction

  • Reluctance to do household chores

  • Spending less time with family

Effects of digital addiction on the mental health can be-

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Feelings of guilt

  • Agitation

  • Defensiveness

  • Restless when devices are taken away

Physical effects of digital addiction-

  • Poor posture

  • Neck pain

  • Backache

  • Migraine

  • Blurry vision

  • Sleep deprivation or irregular sleep patterns

  • Weight loss/gain

Digital addiction influences a person’s work performance and personal relationships. It’s high time we acknowledged the detrimental effects of digital addiction. If you or someone you know is suffering from it, Reach out to us for help.