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Gaming Addictions and Problems That Come With It

Video gaming addiction has been a topic of debate for many years. However, evidence suggests that gaming addiction is a real and serious problem. Gaming addiction has been shown to lead to problems such as social isolation, poor mental health, and even depression. In severe cases, gaming addiction can cause suicidal thoughts and behaviors.  

Many resources are available to help people overcome their gaming addiction and get their lives back on track. With the right help, you or your loved one can overcome gaming addiction.

Gaming Addiction

Video games have come a long way since the early days of arcade machines. These days, they are one of the most popular features of social network sites and can be played almost continuously on handheld game devices, personal computers, or smartphones.

The games themselves have become much more elaborate, with rich alternate worlds, multiple characters, and complicated storylines. However, this increase in gaming options has also led to a rise in gaming addiction.

Introverted children or teens may find that they can avoid interacting with “real” peers by engaging primarily with other online players in the guise of characters. Unfortunately, this can lead to them feeling isolated and disconnected from the world around them.

If you think your child may be addicted to video gaming, look for signs such as excessive gaming, neglecting other activities, irritability when not gaming, and lying about gaming habits.

Excessive Gaming Ruins Relationships

Gaming becomes a problem only when it takes away from the time that would otherwise go into building and maintaining healthier relationships. If your child chooses to play video games instead of interacting with family or friends, gaming is not the root issue. Instead, it is the symptom of a more significant problem.

One usually plays games for recreation. A recreational activity is something an individual does after finishing other obligations like work, school, and self-care. When a gamer spends 10-12 hours a day gaming, it is no longer a recreational activity. It has become a problem when gaming interferes with work, school, or home obligations. Gaming has become a way to avoid facing difficulties in life head-on.

Gaming addiction can lead to isolation and difficulty connecting with others because individuals spend all of their time in the virtual world. As the gamer becomes more isolated, they have less and less practice dealing with social interactions, making it even harder for them to connect with others in the non-digital world.

Physical and Mental Health

Gaming addiction can also cause serious physical and mental health problems. Individuals who spend excessive amounts of time gaming often do so at the expense of eating and sleeping, which can lead to weight loss, dehydration, and sleep deprivation. 

In severe cases, gaming addicts may even begin to experience gaming-related physical health problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, vision problems, and headaches. Gaming addiction can also lead to social isolation and anxiety and increases in aggression and violence. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with gaming addiction, it is important to seek professional help. With treatment, gaming addicts can learn how to manage their time and emotions healthily and regain control over their lives.

School Performance

Studies have found a significantly negative relationship between gaming addiction and academic achievement. In other words, the greater the addiction to video games, the lower the academic achievement. This is an important finding as it suggests that excessive gaming can have a negative impact on school performance.

One recent study found that students who spend more than four hours per day gaming are more likely to get lower grades and are more likely to struggle with completing homework assignments. The study also found that gaming addiction is linked to a number of other problems, including sleep deprivation, anxiety, and depression.

While gaming can be harmless in moderation, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks. For students, this means striking a balance between gaming and schoolwork. When gaming starts to interfere with school performance, it may be time to cut back on the amount of time spent playing.

Next Level Options

Gaming disorder is a global problem that affects people of all ages. The type and severity of gaming disorder varies from person to person. Some common signs include neglecting personal hygiene, skipping meals, and forgoing social activities to play games.

Some people use gaming to avoid physical world interactions, while others use it to escape the hardships of daily life. Some play games to feel a sense of superiority and achievement that they struggle to find otherwise.

Regardless of the reason behind a gaming addiction, Next Level Recovery Associates can help. Our team of highly trained professionals will work with you to identify the root cause of the addiction and create a customized treatment plan that will help you get your life back on track.

If you or someone you know is struggling with gaming addiction, please reach out to us today. Next Level offers an array of support services to help you and your family navigate the harmful effects of excessive gaming. From coaching to case management, Next Level Recovery Associates will help you find the support you or your loved one needs to successfully recover from gaming addiction.

Next Level Recovery Associates offers concierge professional support services to help you or your loved one recover from problematic gaming. With Next Level, you can trust that you are in good hands. We will work with you to create a custom plan that fits your unique needs and helps you achieve your goals. Our experienced staff can connect you with a range of services, including individual and family counseling, coaching, case management, and interventions. Next Level Recovery Associates has a team of caring and experienced professionals dedicated to helping you or your loved one recover from addictive behaviors. If you or your loved one is struggling with excessive gaming and you think it might be a problem, Next Level Recovery Associates can help. To learn more about what we offer and how we can support you during this difficult time, contact Next Level Recovery Associates today at