Next Level Recovery

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Having a Conversation With Children About Treatment

Addiction is an experience that impacts the entire family. From witnessing the hardships of a loved one who struggles with an addiction to managing the challenges that can come from offering support, it is a complex experience for everyone involved. Traditionally, healthcare professionals mainly focus on treating the person who's addicted. However, children are arguably the most aware yet most overlooked when discussing adult topics like treatment and recovery.

The nature of addiction can be tricky to navigate for everyone, but there is hope. When the whole family heals together, success is assured. Next Level supports individuals seeking treatment and their families so that healing can co-occur. This ensures everyone is on the same page as they move forward on the path to recovery in harmony.

If you or a loved one is experiencing addiction, everyone has likely been impacted in some way. Taking the time to include your youth in age-appropriate ways can help them feel supported and aware. Your children will know that they're an essential part of the healing process, which eases the burden of their experience of witnessing addiction. 

Explaining Treatment to Young Children

Young children are often right there alongside you for your most beautiful and challenging moments. Their love and grace can ease everything adult life may throw at you. The natural empathy of young children shows how attuned they are to the world, especially their caretakers.

Approach sensitive topics like addiction with care to make them easier for children to process. The best way to determine if, when, and how to present information about treatment to your child is to understand them as an individual. Consider how they learn and process information. Would they best receive this information through visuals, a story, or another unique way? 

How much you share is at your discretion. First, ensure that they know a loved one is sick and they will be getting better. If the parent or loved one is leaving for inpatient treatment, it will also be essential to ensure that the child knows everyone is safe, loved, and supported. Beyond that, the level of detail you share depends on your and their comfort level.

Keep things simple and lighthearted to shield them from unnecessary stress or concern. Then, as you and your loved ones move toward recovery, be sure to remain present and supportive of each other and the children. 

Explaining Treatment to School-Age Children

For slightly older children, it can be easier to engage in a deeper conversation about complex topics. School-age children pick up on far more than you might think, so it's best, to be honest so they don't become confused or make assumptions. By keeping discussions open and honest but simple and lighthearted, you keep your child informed and gauge their needs without overwhelming them with information. 

Actively reassure your children that they are loved and cared for. Whether you or a loved one is receiving treatment or if the family will attend therapy or intervention, it's essential that your child is aware and actively supported. Your presence and caring concern let them see and understand that they are deeply loved. This will also allow you to see if and how your child is affected by your unique circumstances. 

Explaining Treatment to Teenagers

As teenagers prepare to enter the real world, transparency about addiction treatment can instill vital wisdom in their lives. Of course, how much or how little you share is at your discretion. However, approaching your teens with honesty and clarity can inspire them to come to you with honesty and transparency when in need. Despite their unquenchable thirst for freedom, they'll still benefit from knowing that you're there for them as you all move through the addiction recovery process together. 

How to Move Forward as a Family

Next Level offers individual and family support to help build healthy habits around connection and communication. Here are some of the important ways our team can help your family persevere through the recovery process:


Our team members can assist with an intervention. Depending on your circumstances, we could host the intervention, or you could facilitate one yourself.

Interventions led by professionals can help keep everyone on track, providing a neutral yet supportive advocate for everyone involved. When you lead an intervention for your loved one, it can be more personalized, which can also be encouraging for your loved one needing help. 

Children may or may not be part of an intervention. However, they may benefit from seeing how to calmly address such a significant issue.


We offer individual and family therapy sessions. Our individual sessions allow everyone to express their personal feelings and experiences in a private atmosphere. Individual meetings leave our team better equipped to work through your family's unique personal challenges, offering each person the tools they need to show up feeling empowered.

Family therapy sessions typically involve each family member sharing their truth. In these group sessions, everyone can practice their emotional regulation and communication skills. This way, children can first learn to understand their thoughts and feelings and then have a space to express them and be heard in the group.

Recovery Associates

After receiving initial detox treatments, our client in recovery will be assigned a Recovery Associate. Our associates serve as compassionate guides for your loved ones as you adjust to the other side of addiction. They will offer encouragement and guidance on navigating social pressures, managing stressors, and triggers, and staying motivated toward healing. 

You and your loved ones are on the same team for healing, including your children. Our caring team of professionals is here to work with you, inspiring positive change and healing. 

Addiction affects the whole family. One way to ensure everyone's needs are met is to create and maintain strong communication. A crucial part of communicating as a family is to find ways to include your children. Children of any age are very keen and sensitive, whether they have the words to express it or not. Finding age-appropriate ways to keep kids reasonably informed can relieve potential stress or confusion. Next Level offers unique and tailored support for the entire family unit. If you or a loved one are ready to start your recovery journey, email us at We look forward to hearing from you and supporting your treatment and recovery process.