Next Level Recovery

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How Can Companies Expand Their DEI Efforts to Include People in Addiction Recovery?

Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) efforts are essential for any company seeking success and credibility in today's world. As times change and more people seek to center their lives around compassionate, authentic, and joyful work, workplaces need to reflect this. 

Fostering a work environment that nurtures employee well-being at least as much as the company's profit and growth can positively impact your company's overall success. 

Next Level Recovery Associates offers support to businesses that seek to improve employee relations. Our own company utilizes a unique framework for DEI, making for a strong and genuinely committed team. We value our work and each other, so our success is inevitable. 

What Are DEI Efforts?

DEI efforts at work prioritize underserved populations. These efforts help present people in these populations with opportunities that would otherwise be hard to come by. Creating a supportive and safe space for everyone to work, regardless of their differences, is another crucial part of developing an environment conducive to your company's collective success. 

Some examples of underserved communities include:

  • Unhoused individuals

  • Women

  • Senior citizens

  • Black, Latinx, Asian, and other migrant communities

Each of these underserved and occasionally overlapping communities faces immense stigma. Constant exposure to negative imagery and ideologies, both subliminally and intentionally, negatively impacts a person's self-esteem, determination, and quality of life. 

Similarly, people who previously or currently battle addiction can be viewed through the eyes of judgment rather than compassion. As a result, they may find it challenging to overcome social stigmas that others use to justify their lack of understanding. 

DEI for Employees Who Have Experienced Addiction

In some cases, companies may have employees who are actively battling addiction or employees who are in recovery. There are a few ways to offer support to employees regardless of their experience with addiction. 

Those in Active Addiction

For supporting employees that have yet to seek help, here are some things employers can consider:

  • Know the signs

  • Conduct drug testing

  • Offer support if you suspect something is wrong

Education on the signs and symptoms of drug use or withdrawal at work can help individuals identify if anyone needs extra support. Strong workplace policies around drug and alcohol use clarify your company's expectations. This policy can include regular drug screenings to keep employees accountable for upholding it. 

Lastly, if an employer suspects someone is experiencing addiction, they should try to offer support. If they feel inclined to address this at work, handle the conversation privately. The employee should feel that their employer cares about them as a person and isn't jumping to accusations or judgments. Conveying genuine concern for the employee's health and wellness makes fostering an enjoyable work environment possible. 

When employees battle addiction, no matter how highly they function, there is a significant risk associated with being inebriated or experiencing withdrawal symptoms at work. Implementing strategies and practices that honor employees' wellness and needs create an enjoyable work environment. 

Those in Recovery

Employees in recovery must be treated with the same respect as before treatment. Employers might consider implementing general workplace education, and sensitivity training around any difficult topics or experiences employees may face. This makes it possible for everyone to eliminate fearful thinking and stigma and treat each other with compassion. 

Offering any extra support to an employee in recovery can be done with understanding and consideration of their circumstances. Helping them feel seen and understood while reminding them of their value in and beyond the workplace will make for a thriving work environment for everyone.

Support for Employers Seeking to Improve DEI

Our team at Next Level actively practices empathic workplace ethics. Some ways to consider implementing positive changes in companies include: 

  • Increasing workplace education and connection

  • Teaching and modeling active listening

  • Leading with compassion and kindness

Increasing education and awareness around complex topics develops a safe space for everyone to express themselves. As a result, employees will be more willing to trust each other and develop supportive connections. 

Practicing active listening clears the way for healthy and open communication. Making space to hear and understand someone else's perspective can help avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary tension. This practice also makes it easier for coworkers to feel comfortable speaking their truth in the workplace. 

When employers lead each conversation and interaction with genuine kindness and compassion, the person on the receiving end recognizes and feels it. Employees are more likely to perform better when they know their voices and experiences matter beyond their ability to perform at work.

Fostering an equitable world that values the well-being of all is at the core of creating a sustainable future. Our team at Next Level can support any company in making adjustments to include everyone who can benefit from being given a chance. Making these progressive accommodations will put companies on the cutting edge of workplace ethics and success. 

Diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) efforts are vital to making the world fair and equitable. By initiating DEI efforts at work that support individuals rather than shun or invalidate them, it is possible to see a positive impact in the workplace overall. For those who have been or are currently battling addiction, it can help to destigmatize the experience of addiction. Understanding the impact and complexity of this experience can encourage people to extend more compassion rather than judgment toward those seeking or in recovery. Next Level Recovery Associates practices and offers guidance to businesses on creating a healthy and harmonious work environment for all. Contact us at for further assistance.