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How Can Gaming Become Addictive?

Over the last several years, there has been a significant improvement in how members of society view and understand addiction. However, to no one's surprise, there is still much to be learned about this condition to help individuals heal and recover from it properly. 

One common misconception about addiction is that it only affects those who engage with alcohol and other drug use. These are known as substance addictions. However, it is essential to understand the destructive potential of other addictions, appropriately termed behavioral addictions. One common type of behavioral addiction that is vital to address includes digital addictions, such as gaming.

What may begin as innocent engagement with video games can quickly – and relentlessly – develop into an uncontrollable gaming addiction. Behavioral addictions like this can wreak havoc on an individual's life, such as eliminating their motivation to engage in other activities or simply connect with others. It is essential to understand the root causes of why a person engages with video games to understand better how they can prevent or recover from this type of addiction.

Understanding Addiction

The term "addiction" is defined in various ways. Still, nearly all definitions share similar characteristics and descriptions for defining this term. Consider the two following examples:

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug addiction as a "chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences." NIDA proceeds to explain that drug addiction is considered a brain disorder as it severely alters brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control, thus chronically affecting an individual's behavior.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as "a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry." As a result of the dysfunction in these brain circuits, such consequences can manifest as biological, psychological, social, and spiritual issues.

Comparing these two examples helps to shed light on addiction as a whole rather than solely drug-related addictions. The defining factor of addiction is that it impairs brain functioning and, therefore, impairs an individual's conscious behavior. Addiction is chronic and prevail's beyond an individual's self-control

Behavioral Addictions vs. Substance Addictions

While addiction is not always easy to define or understand, all types of addiction are also characterized by dependence on a substance or activity. Likewise, it is essential to recognize that dependence can be physical, psychological, or a combination of both. Dependence is characterized by physical or psychological symptoms of withdrawal and increased tolerance to a substance or activity.

Similar to substance addictions, behavioral addictions develop when an individual becomes addicted to a certain behavior or the feeling of pleasure that results from engaging in a specific activity. 

Some examples of behavioral addictions include, but are not limited to:

  • Shopping addictions

  • Gambling addictions

  • Binge eating or food addictions

  • Sex addictions

  • Thrill-seeking addictions

  • Digital addictions, including gaming

According to the International Journal of Preventive Medicine, "Behavioral science experts believe that all entities capable of stimulating a person can be addictive; and whenever a habit changes into an obligation, it can be considered an addiction." 

Often, many people disregard the harmful consequences that can result from behavioral addictions. Some may even try to feel better about their behavioral addiction by convincing themself that it isn't "as harmful" as a drug-related addiction would be. However, these defensive tactics will only perpetuate their behavioral addiction and worsen the consequences that will result from it.

Gaming Addictions: When Leisurely Play Develops Into Compulsions

So, how can innocent, leisurely gameplay develop into a compulsive gaming addiction? For an appropriate answer, it is essential to consider an individual's risk factors and understand why they prefer gaming.

Understanding Gaming Addiction Risk Factors

While risk factors for substance addictions and behavioral addictions ultimately differ, there are several that overlap. The journal above explains that loneliness is one crucial risk factor that can trigger a gaming or otherwise digital addiction. Often, feelings of loneliness contribute to isolation, and individuals will turn to the internet or other technology devices to feel connected to the world around them. 

Another factor that can increase an individual's risk of developing a gaming addiction is stress. Often, individuals who prefer to play video games may use them as a form of self-medication. They may want to numb out their external world or merely disconnect from reality by turning to virtual reality. 

Individuals who experience untreated depression or anxiety are at higher risk of developing a gaming addiction. They may do so for the same reasons mentioned previously, such as attempting to escape from real life and the stress accompanying it. 

Support for Overcoming Gaming Addictions

One of the most useful ways to prevent a digital addiction is to treat these underlying risk factors. Those actively struggling with digital addictions, including compulsive gaming, are at risk of worsening health consequences. It is essential to explore healthy ways to manage loneliness, stress, depression, and anxiety when it surfaces without turning to digital sources as an outlet. 

Additionally, it is important to recognize that interventions are available for those struggling with a problematic relationship with technology. At Next Level Recovery, we can connect you with the support you need to heal from your gaming addiction. You do not have to endure this alone; know that you will have access to our recovery associates 24/7. 

Behavioral addictions, including gaming addictions, can cause catastrophic consequences to your life. Let Next Level Recovery Associates help you. Our facility specializes in supporting individuals as they overcome their digital addictions, offering patience to our clients as they develop alternative coping strategies that will not limit their full potential. We utilize a variety of interventions for individuals struggling with substance addictions and other behavioral addictions. We also utilize professional recovery associates that help our clients every step of the way. We aim to create truly personalized support to help you rediscover the trifecta of passion, purpose, and healing in your life. To learn more, contact us today at