Next Level Recovery

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How Can Next Level Recovery Help Heal a Family With Substance Use Disorder?

Substance use disorder (SUD) takes over a person's life from their ability to perform daily functions, maintain relationships, and make decisions the way they would if they weren't using substances. This means their use and related behaviors greatly affect their family and friends. 

Substance Use Disorder

SUD is the excessive and compulsive use of legal and illegal drugs. This can include alcohol, nicotine, heroin, prescription medication, cocaine, and barbiturates. An individual's substance use can significantly impact multiple aspects of their lives, especially those closest to them, including their friends and family.

Impact on Family

The impact on the family members can differ depending on who is using the substance, their history of substance use within the family, and the level of attachment between family members. 

Impact on Children With One or Both Parents With SUD

Children with one or both parents with SUD can live with strong negative emotions. They can feel embarrassment, fear, depression, anxiety, anger, resentment, loneliness, and so much more because of their parent's use. Depending on the severity of their parent's substance use, these children may have no guidance or caregiver. This can lead to dangerous and neglectful environments. The impact can be seen in the children in the present, but there can be a lifelong effect of being in that environment.

Impact on Parents of Children With SUD

Parents of children with SUD can feel responsible for their child's use. This can lead to them making excuses and covering up their substance use. When people find out about their child's use, they can feel embarrassed and like they failed, which can cause them to start feeling negative emotions about their child and further ruin the relationship. 

Impact on Siblings of Individuals With SUD

Siblings can feel forgotten by their parents because they focus on the child with SUD. This can cause the sibling to form negative emotions towards the rest of the family and ruin the relationships. It could also push the sibling to start using substances or participating in dangerous behavior so that they can get attention.

How Next Level Recovery Makes a Difference

Our goal at Next Level Recovery is to provide a personalized treatment plan and include the person with SUD's loved ones as much as possible. We understand that not everyone's journey is the same, and we want to provide the best care possible to meet everyone's needs. 


Next Level Recovery can assist in preparing and staging an intervention for the individual struggling with SUD. An intervention is when family, friends, and trained professionals get together to bring concerns and problems to a person struggling with addiction to get them to seek treatment. This process can seem daunting and, if not done correctly, can lead to the person distancing themselves more from the people trying to help them.

Next Level Recovery will work in a team of two to get information from friends and family about the state of the person with SUD over a week. This will give us the knowledge to create a plan for the intervention and treatment solutions that will best meet the needs of the person with SUD and their loved ones. 

We also take the time to help the family and friends with techniques to handle anxiety before and during the intervention. Next Level Recovery wants to ensure the family and friends have the tools to cope with the emotions that can arise during an intervention. We even help with the wording and tone of the loved one's language to the person with SUD to help prevent escalation and ensure the message they want to convey is coming across clearly. 

Family-Oriented Recovery

Next Level Recovery emphasizes family involvement in the treatment plan of SUD. We want to heal relationships and create an effective support system for the person with SUD.

Family Healing

We are concerned with the well-being of the loved ones of someone struggling with addiction and want them to seek the help they need. Next Level Recovery understands that substance use doesn't just affect the person using it and can take a great toll on those around them. The loved ones getting the help they need will benefit them, but it can also increase the chances of successful treatment for the person with SUD.

Family Group Therapy

Next Level Recovery uses family group therapy to resolve conflicts between family members and open the door for communication. We want to help rebuild the relationships that were damaged through substance use. Another goal is to create better communication to discuss and resolve concerns and problems after treatment. 

Recovery Associates

Recovery associates are a program of trained professionals implemented to support and help through the different recovery stages. They can assist someone struggling with addiction from the very beginning when deciding on the best treatment program for them when transitioning out of treatment.

They perform a multitude of tasks that can help make recovery easier to continue and stick with, such as:

  • Attending family events, weddings, vacations, and other high-stress activities

  • Creating a healthy daily routine

  • Helping identify various triggers and hazardous environments that can hinder recovery

  • Accompanying your loved one to and from treatment

  • Assisting in finding proper housing

  • Helping to set boundaries

  • Holding them accountable for their behavior and maintenance of sobriety

Substance use disorder can take over an individual's life and can affect everyone around them, especially their family. You see first-hand the negative effect these substances have on them without the high they're feeling. You start to feel embarrassment, shame, anger, and responsibility for their addiction. This can take its toll on you and cause you to start having depression and anxiety symptoms. You are not alone. There are people who want to help you and your family. At Next Level Recovery, we provide a personalized experience to ensure you get everything you need to thrive in your family healing. We want to provide quality treatment for the individual struggling and repair relationships. For more information, email