Next Level Recovery

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How Next Level Treats Long-Lasting Effects of Alcohol Use

Alcohol has often been touted as a way to unwind, let loose, and decompress from stress. However, what happens when the lines are blurred between an occasional drink and a necessity? How much is too much? How can we be vigilant, making sure that letting loose on occasion doesn't become a gateway to leaving us high and dry?

How Do I Tell the Difference Between Recreational Alcohol Use and Dependency?

Social or recreational drinking means having an occasional drink. There are no urges or pressures to partake or even become intoxicated. Consuming alcohol starts to become a dependency when used to manage emotions and help one cope with other external stressors in place of more healthful outlets. 

The following criteria can help you or a loved one determine if recreational alcohol use is developing into chemical dependency:

  • Feeling a need to drink more often than not, particularly if or when experiencing heightened emotional states

  • Interfering with daily life and obligations like work, home, childcare, bills, etc.

  • Binge drinking four or more drinks in one sitting

  • Heavy drinking, meaning eight or more drinks per week

  • Spending a lot of time drinking and recovering from side effects

  • Drinking more often or for more extended periods than intended

  • Giving up or cutting back on enjoyable activities or hobbies

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms, such as poor sleep quality, irritability, shakiness, and unexplained mood swings

Many varying factors can contribute to the overuse of alcohol. To determine if alcohol consumption is something you struggle with, take the self-assessment.

Determining your level of alcohol use is the first step to identifying which areas of your life need more support. However, if left untreated, chronic alcohol use can have long-standing effects on various aspects of a person's life, especially regarding their physical and mental well-being. By understanding the risks of overuse, it is possible to change habits with as little or as much assistance as needed. 

Though many of the symptoms can overlap, let's dissect the specific physical and mental side effects of alcohol use. 

Long-Term Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse

There are several long-term physical side effects of long-term alcohol abuse. Many of these side effects can impact unexpected areas of the body, leaving lasting or even irreversible damage in extreme cases. 

The most common physical side effects of alcohol include: 

  • High blood pressure

  • Digestive issues

  • Heart and liver diseases, such as heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver

  • Weakened immune system

  • Various cancers such as mouth, esophagus, breast, liver, and colorectal

  • Potential unplanned pregnancy and STD exposure from unprotected sexual encounters

  • Impotency and low libido

Many of these long-term physical effects of alcohol point to its ability to dehydrate and break down vital tissues and organs. When the body is taxed with having to manage more alcohol than it can handle, the body is put at a higher risk for disease.

Long-Term Mental Effects of Alcohol Abuse

In regards to mental health, alcohol can have counterintuitive ramifications. Oftentimes, one may use alcohol to loosen up socially or unwind after a long, stressful day. However, what happens when our brain physically starts to associate a calmer, more comfortable state of being with relying on alcohol to facilitate it?

Long-term mental side effects of alcohol include: 

  • Impaired judgment, leading to risky behavior

  • Difficulty with learning, memory, and concentration

  • Dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases

  • Worsening symptoms of pre-existing mental health challenges, such as depression and anxiety

  • The onset of new mental health challenges

  • Lack of motivation

  • Alcohol dependence

Nevertheless, the chronic use of alcohol can lead to long-term mental and emotional impairment, affecting how one shows up in their relationships and overall daily life. 

Treatment for Alcohol Use at Next Level Recovery Associates

For anyone seeking support, Next Level Recovery Associates is here to help. We offer expert, client-centered care to help nourish our clients and their loved ones with a sense of empowerment. We focus on developing a strong support system and a solid plan for the road to recovery. We also consider the specific physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of our clients to foster a strong, balanced foundation for healing.

Next Level Recovery Associates has three main components to our recovery programs, which are then specifically tailored to each person and their support network. 

Treat the Root Cause

First, we work to treat the root cause of alcohol use and its impact on one's life. If needed, we help facilitate or coach families and loved ones through an intervention process based on compassion and community support. 

Clinical Expertise

Second, our caring and professional team of staff offer their clinical expertise to help guide the mind and body back into equilibrium. Any co-occurring disorders are also addressed for a more holistic recovery, ensuring long-standing triumph and forward movement. 

Reacclimate to Life With a New Routine

Third, we also have unique recovery associates to help acclimate one to a safe environment and new routine. It is also crucial to help repair close relationships and encourage the fostering of new ones to support recovery moving forward.

Alcohol has an insidious way of luring users into a dependent relationship, blurring the lines between recreational use and dependency. If a person consumes five or more alcoholic beverages a day or more than eight drinks a week, the body can become addicted. When chronic overconsumption persists, there can be consequences to these habits. There are many physical and mental side effects from prolonged overuse of alcohol, which can result in drastic, life-altering illnesses. Next Level Recovery Associates offers multifaceted, client-centered care to help manage and mitigate any of the above symptoms. We utilize an individualized treatment model to address the underlying causes behind these urges to consume and are committed to helping our clients overcome any form of substance dependency. If you or a loved one are seeking help, email us at, where someone will respond to you promptly with more information.