Next Level Recovery

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Importance of a Strong Recovery Team/Individualized Care

Addiction recovery is an individual process, and every person's experience with addiction is unique. Many different components contribute to addiction. The three most significant contributing factors include:

  • Biology: Genes are one important factor, accounting for about half of the risk. Other factors like gender, ethnicity, and a family history of mental health disorders can also influence an individual's propensity for addiction.

  • Environment: Influences from friends and family, economic status, and general quality of life affect a person's likelihood of developing substance use disorder (SUD). Other important factors include peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, stress, early exposure to drugs and alcohol, and lack of parental involvement.

  • Development: Developmental stages are critical times for addiction recovery as they can influence behavior, judgment, and self-control. The earlier a person starts using drugs or alcohol, the more likely they will develop an addiction.

Recovery Is Personal

In Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states, "Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just their drug abuse. To be effective, treatment must address the individual's drug abuse and any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. It is also important that treatment be appropriate to the individual's age, gender, ethnicity, and culture."

Addiction recovery is a very personal process. Many different factors can influence a person's likelihood of developing an addiction, so what works for one person to recover might not work for another. That's why it's so crucial for recovery support professionals to consider each person's underlying contributing factors and design a unique treatment plan for that person. An individualized approach gives each person the best possible chance of achieving long-term addiction recovery.

No single factor causes addiction, and therefore no single treatment will effectively address it. Instead, addiction professionals should consider all the parts of an individual's substance use or behavioral disorder to determine their needs for lasting recovery. 

Effective and long-lasting recovery support tailors the components of the journey to each individual's needs and goals. For example, this may mean that some individuals will need more time in traditional treatment than others or that some will require more social support than others. 

Benefits of Individualized Care

Studies indicate that benefiting from individualized care is about creating a full addiction assessment, monitoring for symptom and behavioral changes, and updating treatment plans to meet these changing circumstances. 

For those who have any type of addiction, including drug and alcohol addiction, it's clear the way it impacts them–and even why drinking and drug use impact them–plays a role in long-term success. Individualized care offers the following advantages:

  • It addresses all aspects of addiction, including the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects

  • It provides multiple therapy options and is more accommodating to every individual recovering from addiction

  • It helps people navigate unique challenges along the road to recovery

  • It creates a more rewarding and empowering treatment process because it meets the unique needs of each individual

  • It is less likely to result in relapses because it addresses all aspects of addiction, providing a comprehensive approach to recovery

Multidisciplinary Team Approach

A multidisciplinary approach to addiction treatment means that a team of professionals with varying backgrounds and perspectives treats the addiction. A multidisciplinary approach to recovery is the most effective because each professional can offer a unique perspective and skill set. 

For example, a therapist might focus on addiction's psychological and emotional aspects, while a physician might concentrate on the physical side effects. The team can develop a well-rounded treatment plan that addresses all aspects of substance use and behavioral disorders by working together.

A team of multi-disciplined professionals might be made up of any number of the following people:

  • Nurse practitioners

  • Physicians

  • Interventionists

  • Psychologists

  • Psychiatrists

  • Detoxification specialists

  • Life coaches

  • Nutritionists

  • Physical trainers

  • Yogis (yoga coaches)

  • Pharmacists

  • Support groups/sponsor

In addition, the different team members can provide support and guidance to each other, which can lead to better outcomes for everyone involved.

By taking a holistic approach, treatment and recovery support can be tailored to the individual, making it more likely to succeed. In addition, a multidisciplinary team can support the entire process, from assessment to aftercare programming. This ensures that the person in recovery has access to the resources they need at every stage of their journey. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction recovery, but with the proper support, lasting sobriety is possible.

Next Level Recovery Associates

At Next Level Recovery Associates, we know that an individualized, multidisciplinary approach is the most effective way to treat SUD and digital addictions. Therefore, we take the whole person into account and design a unique recovery support system for each client.

Recovery from substance use and behavioral disorders is a process of healing and self-care that requires active participation from both the individual in recovery as well as those who support them. An effective recovery plan should be designed with an individualized, holistic approach in mind, keeping in focus the mind, body, and spiritual elements that play a role in developing and healing from addiction. A multidisciplinary approach should be employed to provide the best possible care for each person, following them from assessment through aftercare and relapse prevention support. This comprehensive approach is important because addiction is a complex issue that affects every aspect of a person's life. Therefore, recovery must address all aspects of a person's life to succeed. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use disorder, we can help. Contact Next Level Recovery Associates today at