Next Level Recovery

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Rebuilding Your Relationships With Well-Rounded Addiction Treatment

Maintaining solid connections with loved ones and friends is a vital part of healing. However, the challenges of addiction and recovery can put a strain on some of your closest relationships.

At Next Level Recovery Associates, we understand that healing is possible on all levels. When addressing and repairing interpersonal connections, we offers unique, expert-level tools and direct support to create positive change.

What Is Well-Rounded Addiction Treatment?

Well-rounded addiction treatment consists of several defining factors, including:

Addressing the Root Causes of Substance Use

Addressing and working through the underlying causes behind substance abuse and addiction is an integral part of achieving and maintaining recovery. Partnering with a medical professional can provide a more successful plan for treating these causes. You will also be assisted with creating and using healthier coping strategies moving forward.

Detoxifying the Body

Receiving medical support with proper detoxification is another vital aspect of recovery. Eliminating the substance on a physical level can have drastic effects on your ability to leave a substance behind for good.

Facilitating Support in Sobriety

After inpatient care and detox treatments, it can be a drastic change when reentering society. Receiving proper guidance and counseling during this transitional phase can have a major impact on your choice to stay committed to recovery. 

Providing Client-Centered Treatment 

At Next Level, we have highly skilled and trained Recovery Associates, specifically matched with each client in recovery. They provide direct counsel with genuine care and companionship, tips on staying sober, suggestions for stress management, and any other needs or concerns.

Promoting Wellness

Our individualized treatment philosophy has been the foundation for the exceptional care we offer our clients. By valuing your participation in the creation of your treatment plan, it is more likely that you'll feel valued and motivated to push forward. 

Acknowledging Healthy Support Systems

Similarly, Next Level provides resources within our network and beyond that help to keep our clients feeling productive and motivated. Group therapy, extracurricular activities, and providing connections to other local resources unique to you are some of the ways we encourage motivation and productivity.

We offer a wide range of resources for healing and are committed to partnering with each of our clients in choosing any combination of healing methods that best fits their needs. 

The Importance of Healthy Relationships in Recovery 

Developing and maintaining healthy relationships is vital for our overall mental health and well-being. In recovery, these supportive connections are part of building a strong foundation for lasting recovery. 

Supportive and healthy relationships help us by:

  • Providing a safety net of support and genuine feedback

  • Keeping us on track to recovery

  • Inspiring a sense of dedication and motivation

A major aspect of supportive relationships in recovery is the willingness to respect and support your choice to stay sober. Being able to set and honor boundaries is the basis of creating a safe space in any relationship. 

Your loved ones will also naturally cheer you on as you stay committed and meet your goals. They will also hold you accountable with honesty, pushing us to be our best each day.

Lastly, knowing how wonderful it will feel to share your progress and show up at your best for your loved ones is usually a strong motivating force as well.

How Does Next Level Recovery Associates Support the Healing of Relationships? 

When addressing the relational aspects of healing, our team likes to work with individual and group treatment methods. 

Individual Setting

On an individual level, we work to counsel our clients through any of their personal challenges. This can be done through counseling and activities that inspire mental and emotional well-being. 

Some of these individual therapies and activities include: 

  • Talk therapy

  • Art therapy

  • Art and other creative classes

  • Clinical treatment of mental health challenges, when applicable

  • Developing regular spiritual, gratitude, and self-care practices to maintain well-being

  • Developing stronger communication skills

By finding what works and uplifts you every day as you move forward with your recovery, you'll find it is easier to show up happily and authentically in loving relationships, old and new.

Group Setting

In addressing the family unit, our team understands that the addiction has impacted everyone, and everyone involved deserves support in their healing as well. 

Some of the tools we offer to the families and loved ones of our clients include:

  • Talk therapy

  • Intervention coaching or facilitation

  • Family therapy

  • Support with developing communication skills

As important as it is to address and heal any fissures within the family unit, it is just as crucial for the individuals in the family to heal on their own as well. 

Our idea of well-rounded addiction treatment is rooted in understanding your unique facets that deserve care and attention. We believe that when a strong family is surrounding you before and after recovery, healing is all the more attainable. 

Our individualized treatment model serves to honor you and your story. We simply provide you and your loved ones with tools and support for you to build a stronger foundation rooted in your collective healing. Next Level Recovery Associates is here for you throughout any stage of your and your loved one's healing.

The road to recovery is meant to be traveled alongside a strong support network, a powerful community dedicated to honoring and respecting your needs and boundaries for healing. With a variety of newfound challenges and aspirations, having healthy and supportive relationships help to steady your steps and remain committed to recovery. Next Level Recovery Associates understands the impact of addiction and substance abuse on families and close relationships. We work directly with clients and their loved ones through counseling and other resources to help everyone move forward on one accord. We offer direct counseling and intervention support for individuals and their families to get the treatment they need. Establishing a strong support network makes it easier for individuals in recovery to stay motivated and committed. If you or a loved one are seeking support with creating a recovery plan, contact our team at today.