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Using an Intervention to Help Your Loved One With Their Addiction

Witnessing the impact of substance use on a loved one's life can be heartbreaking. Aside from the constant state of concern regarding your loved one, there are a variety of other challenges that can arise before a person seeks and accepts help. From financial burdens to the pain and loss of quality interpersonal relationships, there is often a ripple effect that pulls everyone into the overall experience of addiction.

If a loved one is struggling to overcome their use of substances, Next Level Recovery Associates is the ideal place for individualized, client-centered care. We offer cutting-edge resources to our clients and their families to guide them toward healing. 

If your loved one is yet to seek help, an intervention might be the right place to start. We have several members on our team who can help coach you through it or facilitate an intervention. 

What Is an Intervention?

An intervention is a non-threatening and intentional meeting among loved ones to help confront self-destructive tendencies and encourage a positive change in their habits and behaviors. Traditionally, depending on the severity of the circumstances, there can be a professional present to help facilitate the intervention and keep things on track.

How Do Interventions Work?

An intervention works when the person struggling with substance use is treated with grace and humanity. It's important to have a strong understanding of your feelings to avoid projecting. Interventions can be emotionally charged, so maintaining composure is crucial. 

In some instances, people struggling with addiction can seek help without the aid of an intervention. In other cases, someone may sit through multiple interventions before deciding to make those positive changes. You and your loved ones can best determine the necessity for and formality of the intervention. 

Being patient is also an integral aspect when trying to motivate a loved one to seek help. No one wants to feel forced into making a decision. By committing to being part of a strong and compassionate support network, feelings of safety and trust can serve as motivators for a loved one to take steps toward recovery.

Organizing an Intervention to Help a Loved One

There are different ways to go about holding an intervention. One style is informal and personal, while the other is more formal and usually facilitated by a professional.

It is possible to hold a family-style meeting for an informal intervention with concerned and compassionate family members and friends. This meeting is relatively informal, intending to give loved ones space to express concern while actively listening to each other and creating a plan of action together.

Another way to approach an intervention is to have a clinically trained professional guide the conversation. Much like the informal alternative, showing genuine care, listening to each other, and deciding how to move forward are at the core of the meeting. Having a professional present during an intervention can help keep everyone calm while potentially presenting facts or ideas in ways that are impartial and straightforward.

The style of intervention can vary depending on your family's specific needs. Partnering with Next Level Recovery Associates makes it possible for families to have a say in creating unique treatment plans tailored to their circumstances. We are committed to approaching each client's recovery with open minds and hearts. Our team makes it a priority to provide access to any resources in our network that can support the cultural, spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our clients.

How Can I Encourage My Loved One to Accept Help?

Whether you choose to hold your own intervention or receive professional support, the choice of whether or not to get help is entirely up to the individual. They have to reach a space of trust and readiness within themselves to take that next step. 

The best thing that anyone can do to encourage help is to remain grounded in a state of loving strength. Choosing to maintain your composure and show your love regardless of whether or not your loved one accepts help reminds them that there will always be someone in their corner. That love can spark a sense of hope that naturally awakens your loved one to seek help on their own. 

Deciding on whether or not an intervention is right for your family can be a pivotal decision to make. When done with love and intention, it is possible to reach your loved one through their addiction and guide them toward healing. However, the most significant deciding factor in your loved one's choice to get help is their own desire. 

Facilitating an intervention can be a daunting task with so much at stake. Taking the time to learn how to best approach a successful intervention starts with proper guidance and support. Next Level Recovery Associates offers thorough guidance from our tight-knit team of clinical experts. Being that our team values the people behind the vast array of circumstances that bring them to us, we have made a way to offer comprehensive support for any stage on the road to recovery. Much like any other resources we offer, it's understood that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to any part of treatment, including the intervention. We vow to work with you and your family to come up with effective solutions that resonate with and honor the unique individuals in each situation. If you or a loved one are seeking help, contact us at today for help.