Next Level Recovery

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What Are the Benefits of Next Level Recovery's Personalized Treatment Plans?

Realizing you have a problem and seeking treatment is the first step to your recovery journey. There is so much information out there for you to sift through. Knowing which is the best match for you can be confusing and challenging. Next Level Recovery prides itself on creating the perfect treatment plan for you and your loved ones, so everyone has their needs met. For more information, reach out by emailing us at today. 

Next Level Recovery

Next Level Recovery's philosophy is based on personalized, compassionate care. This philosophy is both for you and your family. We want to ensure everyone has their needs met so that you have the best chance at keeping to your treatment plan and on the path of recovery. 

Next Level Recovery interview you, your family, and your friends to be able to make the most informed for your care plan. Our team is trained to support you on your journey with honesty and kindness and hold you accountable for your actions. We also use a program called recovery companions to help you in all stages of your recovery journey.

Recovery Companions

Recovery companions are hand-picked trained professionals who provide support throughout your recovery. They assist in any stage, from the beginning, when developing a treatment plan to transitioning out of treatment. 

Recovery associates provide this support in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Providing support

  • Accompanying you to treatment

  • Going to social events, on vacations, and to hazardous environments to help decrease the risk of relapse

  • Helping to motivate you through treatment

  • Helping to identify triggers, such as places, things, or events

  • Reminding you of coping mechanisms and how to use them properly

  • Creating a healthy daily plan

  • Helping ensure you are doing self-care

  • Holding you accountable for your actions and sobriety

Personalization for Recovery

Personalized treatment makes you feel like you are important, supported, and thought of as more than another client. This allows you to be more open and confident in the treatment you are receiving. Your treatment is individualized to fit your needs rather than generic to your condition. Individualization allows us to ensure you and your family get the proper and most beneficial help they can provide. 

Types of Treatment

There are several types of treatment, including:

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is when you and a therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist work together to treat your substance use disorder. This provides you one-on-one time with a mental health professional where you can express your experiences, needs, desires, and goals. One type of therapy used is cognitive behavioral therapy. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy is where you, other individuals, and a therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist are together to discuss your experience with SUD. It can be between others with SUD so that you can hear their perspectives and stories and so that you know you are not alone.

This type of therapy can also be family group therapy, which is when your family and loved ones are brought in to talk about their perspectives on your SUD. It can also act as a safe place with a mediator to help resolve conflicts between you and your loved ones. This can provide you with a better support system during and after treatment and help to relieve on guilt or shame you may feel around any behaviors. 

Alternative Therapy

Alternative treatment methods are often used in conjunction with traditional methods, such as the two discussed above. They provide additional and different ways to connect and treat your SUD.  

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is a calming exercise used to focus the mind by using breathing techniques, visualization, or mantras. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that emphasizes awareness of the here and now without judgment. 

These practices can help you center yourself when you get overwhelmed and allow you to digest situations before reacting to them. They can also help you understand what you are feeling and how it can be related to your SUD. This understanding can help you see the reason behind your behavior while using and also realize when these behaviors arise during recovery to prevent a relapse.

Music Therapy

Music therapy has been seen to help with pain, anxiety, depression, stress, and other physical and mental health conditions. However, the benefits are best seen in conjunction with other therapies and can allow you to function better in your daily life. 

The benefits are not directly seen with SUD but the underlying and co-occurring conditions. Music therapy can help you cope with your conditions and help you to balance your mental health with changing your lifestyle to fit your recovery journey. It can help you handle triggers and hazardous environments that threaten your sobriety.

Your recovery is one of if not the most important journeys you will take. Finding the right treatment facility and method for you is vital to ensure you are under the best care. Researching and sifting through the vast information can seem stressful, daunting, time-consuming, and overwhelming. However, you are not alone in your recovery, and we want to help. Next Level Recovery can provide a personalized experience to ensure you get everything you need to thrive in your recovery journey. We do interviews with you and your family to ensure we are meeting the needs of everyone. Our goal is to make sure your care is unique to you. For more information, email us at