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What Are the Signs of Digital Addictions in Teens?

The increasing use of technology in society today is facilitating the rise of digital addictions. This is especially true for modern-day teenagers. Teens today may have grown up with digital devices their whole lives, thus normalizing their use. Some may not even be able to imagine living a life without a heavy reliance on digital devices.

Being able to recognize signs of digital addictions in your teen can help you get them the help they need to live a healthy life.

Are Digital Addictions Dangerous?

Digital addictions involve the problematic, excessive use of technology on a daily basis. These kinds of addictions include, but are not limited to, social media, gaming, or online shopping addictions. Regardless of how digital addictions can manifest, they are inevitably dangerous.

Because technology use has become so common throughout the world, digital addictions can go unnoticed and, in turn, manifest in concerning ways. Digital addictions can negatively affect many aspects of a person’s life, including:

  • Their financial status

  • How they perform in school

  • Their ability to manage various relationships in their life

  • Their physical health

  • Their mental health

  • Their ability to care for their hygiene

Much like any other addiction, digital addictions can consume a person’s life in nearly every way. The overuse of digital devices can wreak havoc on an individual's life, no matter what age they are.

Signs to Watch Out for in Your Teen

Unfortunately, the normalized use of technology can make it extremely difficult to recognize if your teen has a digital addiction as well as when that addiction possibly developed. While this can be a tricky process, there are a few signs that may surface in your teen that can indicate a digital addiction. Some questions to ask yourself when observing your teen’s behaviors include:

How Often Does My Teen Use Electronic Devices? 

Noticing how often your teen is using electronic devices can be a telling sign. If they are using a combined total of 3.5 or more hours on any electronic device outside of work or school obligations on a daily basis, that is considered to be problematic. Talking to friends during their downtime is normal, but if they cannot go anywhere without their cell phone or any other electronic device, then it may be time to confront them about your concerns. 

How Is My Teen Doing in School?

Some teens struggle in school regardless of if they have a digital addiction or not. However, if you have noticed that your teen’s academic performance has declined recently, this could be another sign that they are struggling with a digital addiction. Rather than spending time completing homework or participating in other academic obligations, your teen could be choosing to spend their time using electronic devices. If this is the case, it may help to set screen time limits for your teen moving forward.

How Much Alone Time Does My Teen Have per Day? 

Isolation can be a risk factor that can make an individual more vulnerable to developing a digital addiction, especially teens. It is normal for your teen to prefer more alone time as they mature. However, if they are constantly skipping out on familial gatherings or social invitations from friends, this can indicate abnormal behavior that should be addressed. Constant isolation can be very damaging for your teen's mental health and can suggest that they are using technology too often or in problematic ways.

What Is My Teen’s Mood Like These Days? 

Again, recognizing that your teen has mood swings is not always indicative of a digital addiction. Mood swings are a normal part of the developmental process for maturing teens. Still, if their mood swings seem to be particularly concerning, you may need to seek help for them. Perhaps, your teen lashes out in angry outbursts fairly frequently, or they seem constantly drained all of the time. Regardless of how their mood swings may surface, concerning mood shifts like these might be caused by an underlying digital addiction.

What Is My Teen’s Physical Appearance Like Lately? 

One easy way to notice if your teen might have a digital addiction is to simply take note of their physical appearance each day. They do not have to look pristine 24/7, but if you constantly see them looking disheveled and as though they are not caring for their hygiene, then it may be time for you to intervene. Physical appearances like these can be concerning because they might indicate that your teen is overusing technology at the cost of their personal hygiene. 

What You Can Do to Help

If your teen is exhibiting any of these signs, it can be helpful to try communicating with them openly and honestly. Try not to confront them with judgment, as this can make them close themselves off to you. Instead, simply ask them how they are feeling out of curiosity and love. Let them know that you love them and are always there for them no matter what. Even if these attempts prove to be ineffective, know that there is always professional support, treatment, and help available. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we can help you and your child recover from digital addictions. 

Even though the use of technology is a common part of many people's lives, it has been proven to have negative consequences, especially among teens. Many teens may silently struggle with digital addictions. Luckily, there are things you can do to intervene. Looking out for signs of digital addiction in teens can help you give your child the help they need. Some of these signs include the amount of time spent using their devices, academic changes, social isolation, mood changes, and changes in their physical appearance. For additional help, you can reach out to Next Level Recovery Associates. We can help give your teen care, support, and knowledge that can help them make healthier life choices. Our trained staff members can help you and your teen recover together in order to find fulfillment without the use of electronics. To learn more, contact today.