Next Level Recovery

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What Does Discharge Planning Look Like for Your Client Leaving Treatment?

Overcoming addiction comes with a series of unique and exciting new experiences and occasional challenges. Our Next Level team makes the entire process, from intake to recovery, as simple, empowering, and thorough as possible. 

One of the most critical times in our client's recovery process is transitioning from treatment to sober living. To make this new chapter feel achievable, we work to create a solid discharge plan. 

Developing an Aftercare Plan 

Aftercare is integral to nurturing our clients back to health and sobriety. We happily and readily celebrate our clients as they near the end of treatment, which can present their challenges and concerns. 

It's important to develop a strong aftercare plan to provide the client with a sense of consistency and stability as they embark on a new journey. We can actively follow a client's journey and keep them present, motivated, and accountable as they track and maintain steady progress. 

Once our clients complete the first stage of healing from addiction, we start to look toward the next stage of the healing process. Having a solid and compassionate team is important to help the client remain optimistic and determined to see themselves through to their definitions of success.  

As treatment ends, we work together with our clients and their core support system to develop actionable steps for the next healing phase. We offer professional guidance and expertise to help our clients shape an ideal aftercare and treatment plan

At Next Level, our philosophy around our client's individualized treatment plans is to help each person achieve their personal recovery goals. The transition period between treatment and sober living is a great space to define and reach for new aspirations.

Next Level's Approach to Client Aftercare

At Next Level, we take a unique approach to client care throughout addiction treatment. After our clients complete the initial detox and intake procedures, we work on laying the foundation for a fresh start with sobriety.  

Our philosophy revolves around honoring the individuality of each of our clients. By making room for their unique qualities and aspirations to shine, we foster a safe space for each of our clients to truly begin to thrive. Honoring each person gives our clients a chance to feel seen and heard. 

There are a few ways we help our clients transition into sober living, including: 

  • Individualized Treatment Plans

  • Recovery Associates

  • Alternative Aftercare Methods

Giving our clients the power and trust to help define and mold their ideal future strengthens a sense of inner trust and well-being. Our work wouldn't be possible without our team's active and deliberate collaboration with each client. 

At Next Level, two of our most impactful methods of addiction treatment aftercare are our individualized treatment plans and our Recovery Associates. We also carefully consider any alternative healing methods that our clients may present. 

Individualized Treatment Plans

At the core of our work is the centering on client needs and satisfaction. We shape our services to fit best each person that we work with.  

We believe a successful discharge plan starts with a carefully tailored to the client's needs. At Next Level, we offer our clients an individualized treatment plan that prioritizes their uniqueness. 

These individualized treatment plans consider each client's identity, helping us to shape and offer the best fit for their healing journey. Honoring our client's individuality encourages them to embrace and honor their uniqueness and strength as they commit to their new goals and aspirations. 

Our Recovery Associates

Our Next Level Recovery Associates are another potential part of a successful discharge plan. A recovery associate is our version of a sober companion. A sober companion offers a client direct support and guidance as they transition into sober living. 

Having successfully overcome their addictive behaviors, our recovery associates provide realistic and genuine companionship to our clients. Partnering with someone who has achieved sobriety can serve as an inspiration to our clients. 

A recovery associate serves as a great example and mentor to a client in transition. Our Recovery Associates can be a great addition to a well-rounded discharge plan. 

Aftercare Alternatives 

At Next Level, we assure our clients that we are considerate of all walks of life. If other social, cultural, or spiritual practices can contribute to client success, we welcome them alongside our team. 

Our team is big on partnership and collaboration. If our clients want to seek counsel from a spiritual leader or attend regular drum circles, we are open to supporting them with any alternative therapies. Our team helps our clients find and maintain connections with individuals and institutions that positively impact their recovery.  

Our Next Level team is committed to client success regardless of the path our clients choose. Seeing our clients thrive as they embrace sobriety is why we do what we do. Our team collaborates with each client to craft the best course of recovery and discharge planning. Working together, we make addiction recovery a tangible reality for our clients and their loved ones. 

Discharge planning comes with a plethora of things to manage and maintain. Our team at Next Level takes on most of the headache that can come with processing and sifting through the finer details involved with a carefully outlined discharge plan. We want our clients to be devoted to their healing, staying focused on the daily habits and attitudes that keep them on track to recovery. Our discharge planning efforts assure our clients and their loved ones that we will continue prioritizing their needs as we move into the next chapter of addiction recovery. Our dedicated staff collaborates with our clients and their loved ones to further cement a successful, fulfilling path toward recovery. Contact us at