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Investigating the Effects of Social Media Addiction

The use of social media has become incredibly normalized in society. It is common to have social media become a part of your everyday schedule. Social media is not inherently a bad thing. It can facilitate communication, knowledge, and personal connection. 

Despite social media's positive benefits, it can also cause potential harm with frequent use. In fact, social media can even cause you to become addicted to it. Because social media use has become so normalized, however, you may doubt that this type of addiction should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, social media addictions can cause you to experience many negative effects. It is essential to learn more about this addiction in order to maintain your health and well-being. 

What Makes Social Media Bad?

As mentioned previously, social media is not inherently a bad thing, but it does have the potential to cause some intense, harmful effects. While many factors can cause social media to be negative, below are three of the primary reasons that social media can become a toxic part of your life.

The Way Social Media Affects Your Brain

Social media use ignites the same part of your brain that addictive substances affect. This is the reward center of your brain that releases “feel good” chemicals, thus causing you to want more of the substance or action that causes this neurological reaction. Social media usage causes you to feel excited or even euphoric and leaves your brain wanting more of this feeling and needing more each time to obtain the same effects. This is how it can easily lead to addiction.

Comparison With Others

Social media shows pictures, posts, and other representations of other people's lives. Although these images and depictions are not always real and can be highly fabricated, constantly seeing what other people try to portray themselves as can cause you to feel as though you are not good enough. Seeing a friend post only about their accomplishments can convince you that you are not successful enough. Perhaps a different friend edits all of their photos to make themselves appear different. When seeing these images, you may feel as though your physical appearance is not good enough. 

Living in this world of appearance can also subconsciously cause you to prioritize looks over all else. In reality, appearances only have so much meaning. Your interests, passions, mannerisms, and values mean so much more, but social media can prevent you from remembering that. 

Isolation From Real People

Even when you are in a room full of people who love and care about you, social media addiction can make you feel utterly alone. Because it can cause you to want to spend a lot of your time using it, social media can make you inadvertently ignore others around you. You might even find that when people talk to you, you long to be alone and use social media again, even though you know on a conscious level that real socialization is important. Experiencing the negative effects of isolation and still using social media regardless is a clear indication of social media addiction. 


Since social media use is so common, it can be tempting to believe that social media addiction does not require professional help to get better. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. Like any other addiction, social media addiction requires the help of medical and mental health professionals to heal. This is because social media addiction can cause many concerning effects, including: 

  • Excessive social media use

  • Ignoring school work, thus failing classes

  • Losing friends from isolating yourself

  • Failing to care for your body

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Constant comparison to others

  • Loss of meaning or identity

  • Obsession with looks

  • Nutritional needs not being met

  • Lack of sleep or sleep disturbances

Social media addiction should not be taken lightly because it can be extremely harmful and can eventually ruin your well-being altogether. Without proper intervention, social media can easily take over your life in a secretive way due to widespread normalization. It can force you to neglect your basic needs as well as your values as a result.

To heal from this addiction, it is vital to reach out to a trusted team of mental health care professionals who can provide you with the necessary care you need. After recognizing that you have an addiction, find people who have the necessary tools to provide you with a personalized treatment plan. Doing so can free you from this far-too-common addiction. 

Social media addiction can be a common occurrence because of the extreme prevalence of social media use in our culture. This normalization can cause many people to believe that social media addiction is not a cause for concern. However, this is incorrect. Although social media is not inherently bad, it can cause many adverse effects, including how it affects your brain, unfavorable comparison with others, and self-isolation. If you experience disturbing effects as a result of this addiction, it is time to reach out for help. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we take social media addiction seriously. To ensure that it no longer has a hold on your life, we will provide you with the tools that are required to work through this particular addiction. We are unique in that we provide specialized care specifically for those battling social media addiction. To get help today, contact us at

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