Adjusting to Life After Inpatient Treatment

Taking the first step toward recovery and staying committed is a marvelous feat in itself. For anyone that has actively persevered through inpatient treatment, we at Next Level Recovery Associates want to personally congratulate your immense courage and determination.

After experiencing a tranquil environment dedicated to healing and sobriety, it can be an intense experience to readjust to society. Next Level Recovery Associates strives to support you through every stage of treatment, particularly when your newfound skills are put to the test. 

The transition period between inpatient treatment and resuming everyday life is fulfilling, and it can come with new questions and challenges. Our supportive team of dedicated professionals is committed to helping you believe in yourself enough to continue your way along the road to recovery.

Creating a Safe Environment That Supports Recovery

A safe environment serves to support your commitment to sobriety. An ideal safe environment should meet the following criteria:

  • Free of substances or limited access

  • Free of stressors and triggers

  • Safe space to center self and unwind

  • Active support system

Avoid Temptation

Depending on specific circumstances, it's possible to be in living arrangements or social settings that have temptations present. Some of our clients in recovery don't mind the presence of substances, while it can be highly triggering for others. It is best to determine your needs and communicate them accordingly. 

Avoid Triggers

It is ideal to foster an environment that's free of unnecessary stress and dysfunction. Again, this can depend on a variety of factors beyond your direct control, such as your neighborhood or workplace. However, it's best to know that you have a safe space that ultimately honors and supports your recovery. We will work to help you address any challenging external factors, especially if they're particularly disruptive or triggering. 

Find a Safe Space

A safe space includes things that keep you grounded and remind you of a sense of well-being. Whether this space is in your home or in a group setting such as a church or with a certain group, having that sense of peace and compassion continues to nurture an environment for recovery. 

Self-care can also be incorporated into the active practice of creating and maintaining a safe space for recovery. From actively managing stress levels to getting proper sleep and nutrition, there are a variety of ways to maintain a lasting sense of inner peace. 

Utilize Your Support System

Another vital part of a safe environment is developing or rekindling healthy and supportive relationships. Family and friends can help keep their recovering loved ones on track with genuine love and encouragement. Next Level Recovery Associates also offers resources to facilitate the healing of existing relationships and to foster new connections as well.

How Can We Help You Adjust to Sobriety?

It can seem daunting to take those greater strides toward a sober life after receiving direct care and consideration. We offer a rich palette of resources and tools to support your long-term commitment to recovering from addiction. 

As part of our individualized treatment model, we let our clients take the front seat on the road to recovery. We apply this method to all aspects of the healing process, tailoring our resources and expertise to best fit and serve our clients' needs. 

A unique feature that we offer our clients adjusting to sobriety is our Recovery Associates or companions. A Recovery Associate is our version of an accountability partner. They are clinically trained and fully equipped to be insightful guides for our clients in recovery. 

Our recovery companions will be specifically matched with you based on a series of personal factors that would best serve your healing progress. They serve as mentors and liaisons for change, especially after you receive inpatient care. Our Associates offer tools, guidance, empowerment, and companionship to keep you on track with your recovery. 

Next Level Recovery Associates will also support you in developing personal beliefs and practices, working diligently to connect you with outside resources ideal for you. According to the National Library of Medicine, promoting and developing spiritual well-being can be an integral part of the healing process. We also understand that spiritual well-being and fulfillment look different for each person.

Whether our clients are seeking worship services, energy work, specific cultural connections, and anything in between, we will help facilitate the connection. We encourage our clients to work with any of the modalities that best fit their needs.

Next Level Recovery Associates also connects clients with marriage and family therapists, group therapy sessions, physical activities, transitional housing, and social events that support healthier habits. If you need something beyond what we currently offer, we will work alongside you to find the best match available.

Life after inpatient treatment is where the revitalized version of yourself blossoms with each day that you stay committed to this journey. Here, we believe success after inpatient care is determined solely by each person and family we serve. From there, we offer an array of resources to meet your needs as you work on building an even brighter future.

Completing inpatient treatment is an incredible achievement on the path to recovery. It requires a lot of dedication, courage, and strength to overcome one of the more daunting aspects of healing. Taking the time to honor this accomplishment is important, being that it reveals a deep-rooted sense of empowerment essential to long-term healing. Regardless of where you may have completed treatment, Next Level Recovery Associates offers a unique support system to ensure a successful recovery. We feature recovery companions as helpful and motivational personal guides to encourage and uplift you after inpatient treatment. Although our recovery companions help bridge the gap between active addiction and full recovery in various circumstances, they have been particularly helpful in supporting our clients in readjusting to life outside of dedicated treatment. If you or a loved one are seeking support beyond inpatient treatment, email us at for a consultation.