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Digital Addictions: What Are They and Why Do They Matter?

Over the last 20 years, the use of technology has become an increasingly normalized part of one's daily routine. Nearly everyone has some sort of digital device, whether it be a phone, laptop, or television. Most people use their phones on a daily basis to keep in touch with friends or family. In addition, many people use their laptops every day to complete tasks for work or school. 

Despite the obvious benefits that can come from technology, there are also rising concerns. The chronic use of technology can cause abnormal surges of dopamine in the brain, similar to surges of dopamine that can result from alcohol and other drug use. Addictions do not only develop from substance use. Digital addictions are a growing problem that must be addressed.

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Technology Usage?

Before the pandemic, technology was already a huge part of many people's lives. During and after the pandemic, however, the use of technology increased even more. As mentioned in Next Level Recovery Associate's A&E episode, the social isolation that the pandemic has caused has forced people to turn to their digital devices to fill some of their basic needs, as well as to pass the time. In some cases, jobs turned completely remote, causing individuals to spend much more time on their devices to finish work-related tasks. Without many other social obligations, many individuals may have gotten into the habit of spending an extended amount of time on their digital devices. 

As a result of the pandemic, much of life has shifted “online,” meaning many classes, jobs, and various social groups are now held online rather than in-person. Having to rely on digital devices for these reasons makes it easier for individuals to continue to use their devices for alternative purposes as well. This means individuals spend extended periods of time on their devices than originally intended. Spending so much time on these electronic devices proves to be significantly damaging to individuals in various ways, including increasing the risk of developing a digital addiction.

How Do Digital Addictions Negatively Impact a Person's Life?

The normalization of heavy technology usage has become increasingly problematic over the years, but especially in recent years. Before they know it, individuals may come to find that their heavy use of digital devices has developed into actual addictions. Just like any other kind of addiction, digital addictions can easily wreak havoc on people's lives. 

Types of Digital Addictions

Some of the digital addictions that are mentioned in Next Level Recovery's A&E episode include the following:

Gaming Addictions

According to Next Level Recovery Associates, “The type and severity of a gaming disorder vary from person to person. Some people are using gaming to avoid physical world interactions, some to escape the hardships of daily life, and some to feel a sense of superiority and achievement that they struggle to find otherwise. Identifying the ‘why’ is where treatment begins!” 

As mentioned, gaming addictions can manifest for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the reason, this type of addiction can cause individuals to neglect their personal hygiene, lose sleep, not meet their nutritional needs, and become severely isolated from those around them. 

Online Shopping Addictions

In order to find fulfillment or some kind of euphoric satisfaction, individuals may turn to online shopping. While online shopping, individuals can feel a rush of euphoria as they make a purchase. This can temporarily distract them from whatever negative feelings they may encounter in reality. To continue getting this feeling, individuals may continue to buy more and more items online to feel the desired effects. This is dangerous, however, because it can cause people to experience financial distress and hardships. It can even cause individuals to neglect their mental and emotional needs by distracting themselves from their problems outside of online shopping. 

Porn Addictions

Sexual addictions can begin with internet addictions through the problematic, excessive use of porn. Porn addictions can, more specifically, cause issues with a person's relationships, mental health, and sexual health. It can even prevent them from completing necessary daily tasks that may affect their job or school performance. 

Social Media Addiction

According to Next Level Recovery Associates, “Problematic social media use is characterized by a person being unable to control their use of social media sites/apps. Those affected by this disorder have an uncontrollable urge to check, manage, and observe social media in a way that is so time-consuming that it is affecting other areas of their life like jobs, in-person relationships, and/or health.” 

Social media addictions can easily take over a person's life. It can also cause them to develop poor self-esteem by comparing themselves to the fabricated lives of others on social media. This can even lead to a person developing anxiety or depression. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has led people to significantly increase their technology usage. This rise in technology use has contributed to the development of digital addictions for many people. Unfortunately, these addictions can wreak havoc on people's lives. Some of these digital addictions can include gaming addictions, online shopping addictions, porn addictions, and social media addictions. No matter what kind of addiction a person is struggling with, they need to know that help is available. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we want to help you begin your journey to recovery. Even though addressing addictions can be difficult, we are committed to making you feel safe and comfortable as you learn more about yourself and your digital addiction. We can assist you every step of the way, no matter where you are in your recovery journey. Reach out to us today by emailing