Do I Get a Say in My Treatment?

Before entering treatment, you may wonder what treatment will be like. You need to consider many factors before entering treatment, such as how much time it will take, who will be involved, or if it will be a difficult process. You may even find yourself wondering how much control you will actually have over your own recovery. During this part of your journey, you will be in the hands of treatment professionals

There is a common assumption that, while in recovery, the people caring for you will have total control over your treatment plans. You might fear that if something is not working for you, you will have to suffer through it regardless. While this may be the case for some treatment facilities, you will be happier and have a greater chance for success at a facility that values your insight and voice. Your needs and wants can only be met if you seek treatment at a center that works to understand and meet your needs and wants. 

How Much Does My Voice Count?

Reputable treatment centers pride themselves on understanding that your input needs to be considered and included in your treatment plan in order for it to be effective. Staff members will help you by providing as much education and information as possible, but you also need to communicate your personal needs and goals to them. Without knowing what you want and need, you cannot grow and live your life independent from addiction. 

Knowing these key factors allows your treatment center to help shape your treatment plans with tools that are catered to your specific needs and goals. If, along the way, you find that specific tools or treatment modalities are not exactly right for you, reach out to your case manager. They can adjust your plan as needed. Your treatment must Include you and your input every step of the way if you are to achieve long-lasting sobriety and change. If your input is included in your treatment plan, it will be more successful and more meaningful to you.

Plan Together Before Treatment

When entering treatment, you will sit down with a team of recovery professionals to discuss your upcoming steps. During this time, you can ask these individuals various questions or concerns you may have regarding your treatment. They will, of course, ask you specific questions as well as get a feel for what you need in treatment. 

It is important to discuss the central concerns that you are experiencing as a result of your addiction. Be sure to ask what therapeutic modalities can cater to those needs and what those treatments entail specifically. If something sounds as if it does not align with your needs and goals, you can raise this concern with the staff and work through the issue together.

Keep the Conversation Going While in Treatment

Just because you are active in treatment and adhering to the original treatment plan does not mean the conversation is over. In fact, it is essential to continuously keep this conversation going to ensure that you are getting what you need from treatment. Perhaps something was discussed briefly in treatment that you would like to learn more about, such as setting boundaries with loved ones. Or maybe you are wondering why learning about processing your emotions is important for recovery. 

No matter what the circumstances are, you can always voice these thoughts or concerns to your team members. They can create an open, safe discussion about your treatment and even make adjustments as needed. As you change and grow, you may find that your needs and goals for your recovery shift a bit as well. While this is normal, you must actively communicate with your team of professionals about these changes as they occur.

Discuss Completing Treatment

Even when the time has come to leave treatment and enter life outside of your treatment plan, you still have a say in what comes next. Perhaps you feel unprepared to go back to your life again. It is essential to express this to your team so they can equip you with the tools you need to feel confident when you leave treatment. By keeping communication open with your team, no matter what your concerns are, you can ensure that you are ready for the “real world.” 

Together, you can plan for handling potential triggers, implementing healthier habits and practices, and effectively meeting your daily responsibilities. In order to do this, you must be open and honest about your experiences with your recovery team. 

At Next Level Recovery Associates, we know how vital it is to have your input when it comes to planning your treatment. Rather than ignore your thoughts and feelings, we listen to you and take what you have to say into consideration because we know that this is essential for a successful recovery. Your voice can be utilized in this process by planning treatment together, keeping open communication while in the midst of treatment, deciding when you are ready to leave treatment, and discussing your plans for after treatment. You are your own best advocate. In order for treatment to be effective for you, your voice absolutely needs to be heard and valued. We want to make sure you get the treatment that you need in order to achieve inner peace and sobriety. Contact Next Level Recovery Associates today at to begin planning your treatment.