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How Can I Prevent Myself From Developing a Digital Addiction?

The internet is a major part of our lives. Technology has become intrinsic to daily living, from playing games to connecting with friends and family via social media. The ubiquity of the internet makes it hard to avoid. The nature of portable digital devices makes it hard to limit the amount you use, which can lead to excessive and uncontrolled use. It can also lead to other conditions that you may not even realize are being caused by your digital usage. 

What Is a Digital Addiction?

A digital addiction develops when the excessive use of the internet and digital devices impacts your ability to properly function in your day-to-day life. It can even lead to sleep alterations. Digital addiction can include gaming, social media use, and internet use. The growing presence of different digital devices, apps, and internet use makes it hard to limit device usage and harder to avoid becoming consumed by it.

Why Should I Be Concerned?

Digital addiction is like any other addiction in the fact that it can become all-consuming in your life. It can become the thing you wake up for and can take over every aspect of your day. Your relationships, job, sleep, and health can all be impacted by the uncontrollable need to appease your digital addiction. It can also lead to comorbidities such as depression and substance use disorder (SUD). 

According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, as of June 2022, “65% of internet addicts have reportedly higher incidence of psychological problems and mood disorders.” The article also discusses how a digital addiction can cause abnormal wake-sleep cycles leading to insomnia and sleep deprivation. This disturbance can lead to other health concerns. 

Interestingly, the change in your wake-sleep cycle can lead you to become extremely vulnerable to drug addiction. This is due to the relationship between your reward center and serotonin-controlled sleep.

Ways To Prevent Developing a Digital Addiction

Though digital addiction is a prevalent risk in society today, there are ways to prevent it and lessen the effects if it has already developed.

Set Limits

We set screen time limits for children and teens but often don't for ourselves. Setting time limits for digital devices and internet use can help track, control, and limit your screen time. There are different settings on your devices and ways to record how much time you are spending on them. Using these, you can observe and stick within self-implemented limits. 

Setting times when using devices is not allowed is also helpful. Such instances may include when enjoying family time, eating, or before going to bed. This gives you scheduled break times away from digital devices or internet use and allows you to be present during that time. 

Get Out

Doing something that keeps you occupied and out of your devices can help mitigate digital addiction. This can mean going to dinner with friends and family, going for a walk in the park, starting a new hobby, or just picking up a physical book instead of using an e-reader. Use this as an opportunity to discover a new passion. Remove yourself from an environment with digital devices when possible. 

Research Health Risks

Educating not only yourself but also your friends and family about the impacts excessive digital and internet use can have on you and your relationships is a good way to manage excessive use. Research the benefits that stepping away can have on your physical and mental well-being. 

Attempt the 24-Hour Challenge

Challenge yourself to go 24 hours with no digital device or internet use, if possible. That includes not checking social media, playing games on your devices, or watching TV. 

If you feel like a full 24 hours would be too hard to start with, start with a smaller increment and work your way through longer times until you reach the 24 hours. Similarly, if you feel like complete elimination of all devices is impossible, take away one device for a full 24 hours, then add another if you're successful. Continue adding more until you can completely remove everything. 

If you need your phone in case coworkers or family needs to get a hold of you, shut off all notifications besides texts, emails, and calls. Only check your phone when you hear one of these notifications go off. Once you answer it, put your phone down and resume your digital cleanse. 

These are only a few examples of modifications you can make to build up to and partake in this challenge. You may be surprised at how different you feel and how different your day is without these devices in it.

Digital addictions develop from the chronic use of technology. They can isolate you, consume you, and lead you into a dark place that you don't know how to get out of. It's hard to prevent and escape digital addiction with the internet being at your fingertips throughout your day whenever you have a craving for it. Digital addiction can lead to other mental and physical conditions that, if left untreated, can greatly affect your health. Luckily, there are people who can help you overcome your digital addiction. If you feel like you can no longer control your digital use and that it is negatively impacting you, please reach out to Next Level Recovery Associates today for help. Located in Fort Lauderdale, FL, Next Level can help you through digital addiction recovery. For more information, email us at