Next Level Recovery

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How Can Treatment Professionals Benefit From Next Level Services?

At Next Level, we are dedicated to each of our clients and their definitions of success. We take great care to make each step forward feel comfortable and attainable for our clients and their loved ones. Partnering with our team of compassionate experts can offer your clients an entire network of insightful, authentic, and committed individuals. 

With the client at the center of our work, we take pride in offering individualized treatment plans. These personalized healthcare plans make healing more tangible for each person. Our highly skilled and compassionate team of professionals gets to know each client to better understand and meet their needs. 

Our outstanding client care is not only rooted in innate compassion. Our work is supported by several studies highlighting client-centered healthcare's importance. 

After getting a better sense of our clients, we can offer our best resources and connections to support their healing journeys. Partnering with our team at Next Level can improve individual or group efforts to overcome addiction. We take great pride in partnering with other facilities with the same commitment to client care and success.  

Why Choose Next Level for Treatment?

As treatment professionals, several factors set us apart. We offer the following services: 

  • Individualized Treatment Plans

  • Dual-Diagnosis

  • Sober Companions (Recovery Associates)

  • Working through Relational Conflict

  • Holistic Approach to Healthcare

At Next Level, offering our clients individualized treatment plans has made it easier for us to understand and best support each of our clients. An individualized plan is rooted in deep respect and compassion for the clients. Regardless of their circumstances, every one of our clients deserves to be seen and heard so that their needs can readily be met. Each of our client's treatment plans is tailored to serve them best. 

No two people are the same. We deliberately work with each client to ensure they are personally supported and understood. Individualized treatment plans offer clients a chance to participate in their healing. Studies have shown that this level of responsibility and trust helps motivate and encourage clients to push forward with their commitment to sober living. 

At Next Level, we offer our clients dual diagnoses to address co-occurring disorders. Working with the dual-diagnosis model makes it possible to offer our clients full spectrum treatment. Diagnosing and treating any other potential disorders can make a lasting recovery possible by addressing all concerns at the root. 

Our team also consists of dedicated sober companions or Recovery Associates. Having a genuine and caring individual who has successfully overcome their addictions helps inspire our clients. Serving as a mentor, role model, and friend, a Recovery Associate can be an impactful addition to any client's addiction recovery. 

At Next Level, we also make great efforts to help our clients heal and strengthen important relationships. Regardless of their circumstances, addressing the inevitable changes that come with addiction recovery can make the experience smoother for our clients and their loved ones.  

Studies have shown that having and maintaining healthy and supportive relationships boosts mental health and overall well-being. Giving our clients and their loved ones the tools to communicate and connect more effectively make recovery an even greater accomplishment.

We believe in holistic healthcare. By considering the entirety of the person, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, we can offer them more of what they need. Our team of professionals carefully considers each person's unique perspective, making sure to provide and assess any potential addition to a client's treatment plan.

Our Commitment to High-Quality Care 

At Next Level, our highly trained staff of professionals is aware of the importance of high-quality, client-centered healthcare. Addiction treatment is best practiced with a supportive team of healthcare professionals and loved ones. Our team works to develop genuine and lasting connections as we proudly root for each one of our client's successful treatment and recovery. 

Each step of our paths with our clients is cemented in collaboration and connection. After establishing a strong bond with a client, we work together to create the best course of action for their recovery. Together, we consider and determine the best people, places, and things to encourage the client to make positive changes. 

We actively work within our network to find the best matches for our clients. Often, we branch out of our network to find and offer our clients the best resources for their continued care. We do whatever it takes to ensure our clients get what they need and deserve. We carefully review each potential aspect of our client's treatment plan to ensure that they receive high-quality care at every step. 

Successful addiction recovery is rooted in strong teamwork and caring support. Partnering with Next Level can assure you and your clients that you are in good hands. Our services are based on cutting-edge research, collaboration, and commitment to every one of our clients. 

Partnering with Next Level Recovery Associates can enhance any well-rounded addiction recovery program. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in guiding and supporting our clients through recovery. We honor their needs, wishes, and feelings as individuals. Approaching each person's treatment with compassion and respect encourages our clients to open up and receive the healing we offer. We are not shy about partnering with other professionals outside our team to mold the perfect treatment plan for each client. With the clients at the center of our mission, we shape our resources to serve the client and their loved ones best. Together, we can strive towards the next level with our clients, rooted in caring compassion. For support, contact us at