How Do I Work On My Laptop Without Becoming Addicted?

Working remotely from home has become the new norm for many people as a result of the pandemic. Fortunately, this has allowed individuals to spend less money on their commutes and find a better work-life balance. However, for as many benefits as working from home offers, it has its fair share of disadvantages as well.

Why Is a Digital Addiction Dangerous?

Spending all day on a laptop can cause individuals to develop a digital addiction. This addiction to an electronic device, such as a laptop, can create many problems for individuals in this scenario. Some of these problems include the following:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Migraines

  • Isolation due to spending more time on their laptop than quality time with loved ones

  • Dry eyes

  • Poor posture

  • Digestive issues

  • Depression

  • Shorter attention span

  • Irritability

Like any other kind of addiction, an addiction to a laptop as a result of working from home can slowly take over a person’s life in a negative way. Although laptop use may have started out harmless as a way to get work tasks completed, it can slowly and subtly take over an individual's life. Working on a laptop can make it increasingly easier to begin browsing various topics online when not working on job-related assignments or tasks. Slowly, a laptop can take up more of a person’s time and thoughts, thus detracting from other important elements of their life.

What Can Be Done to Prevent a Laptop Addiction? 

To prevent a potential laptop addiction from developing, individuals can take cautionary measures. Doing so can save them from developing an incredibly harmful addiction. 

Set a Timer 

In order for individuals to prevent themselves from spending more time than originally intended on their laptops, they can set a timer for 30 minutes to an hour. Once the timer goes off, individuals should get up and take a brief break from their laptops. These breaks can be spent talking to loved ones, making meals, or even playing with a pet. These moments away from laptops allow individuals to find satisfaction away from electronics. Doing so can help ensure that individuals do not accidentally use their laptops for purposes outside of work. 

Have ‘Start’ and ‘Stop’ Times

For many, it can be beneficial to form set, consistent “start” and “stop” times when using laptops. Knowing that they have an end time for using their laptop can help individuals concentrate better on what they are supposed to be doing. This can prevent them from working late into the night and spending even more time on their electronic device. Individuals can set a start time, perhaps in the morning, around 8 am. After this time, they can use their laptops and tend to their work responsibilities as needed. Setting a stop time around 5 or 6 pm can ensure that individuals do not spend excess time on their laptops, whether work-related or not. 

Setting beginning and end times gives individuals the time needed to engage in relaxing activities, perform self-care routines, and spend time with loved ones. Having these start and stop times is important because it also ensures that work does not take up an individual's entire life, causing more stress that can contribute to an addiction.

Spend Time Outside

No matter what your workday looks like, taking time to get up and go outdoors can help individuals avoid developing a laptop addiction. Whether they take one long break or multiple short ones throughout their workday, getting outside can help bring them peace and relaxation—and get them away from electronic devices. Rather than soothe individuals, too much time spent on electronics can be highly stressful in various ways. When individuals get time outdoors, they can recharge and train their brains to turn away from electronics when needed.

Find a Meaningful Hobby

When individuals have meaningful hobbies or passions, the odds of them turning to their electronic devices more than what is necessary diminishes. An activity that excites them can motivate the individual to spend time devoted to that hobby rather than a screen. A meaningful hobby or activity can not only serve as a healthy distraction but also can help the individual develop self-confidence and a sense of purpose. Some of these activities can include the following:

  • Playing an instrument

  • Painting

  • Playing sports

  • Planting a garden

  • Volunteering

  • Cooking

  • Creative writing

  • Community theater

  • Teaching

  • Hiking

  • Swimming

  • Traveling

  • Caring for pets

  • Bird watching

  • Wood crafting

  • Sewing

No matter what hobby an individual chooses, it should always be fun and meaningful in some way for them; otherwise, they will not want to spend time doing the activity. Individuals should continuously try new activities and not give up until they find one that resonates with them. Doing so can help them achieve work-life balance. 

Digital addictions, such as an addiction to your laptop, can cause many physical and mental issues. To avoid developing an addiction to your laptop, try reducing the time you spend on your laptop. Techniques for reducing screen time can include setting a timer to help you take breaks from your laptop, having set 'start' and 'stop' laptop use times, getting outdoors, and finding a meaningful hobby. While these suggestions might be all you need to avoid laptop addiction, you may need extra assistance to overcome a digital addiction. If this is the case, reach out to Next Level Recovery Associates today. We can give you a personalized approach to overcoming your addiction. We will be there with you every step of the way to ensure that you achieve your goals. To get help, contact us today at We are here to help.