How Does Spirituality Help You Find Your Passions?

If you are in the midst of searching for your life passions along your recovery journey, practicing spirituality can be an excellent tool for you to utilize. This does not mean you must be a part of a religion, although if that is what works for you, religions can be an option as well. Spirituality, in general, means that you find your center and connect to something bigger than yourself. Doing so can allow you to remain in the present moment, find peace, and realize your passions. 

How Does Spirituality Work?

The good thing about spirituality for those in recovery is that it can be highly personalized and molded to your specific needs. Rather than following a strict set of rules, you can find a daily spiritual routine that works for you. Some examples to try could include the following:

  • Deep breathing

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Yoga

  • Sitting in nature

  • Listening to calming music

  • Listening to inspiring podcasts

  • Saying daily affirmations

  • Practicing daily gratitude

  • Practicing self-acupressure

Activities that allow you to be still, present, and aware can be considered spiritual practices. They work to silence outside noise and help you reconnect with yourself and the world around you. They help bring peace and clarity by decluttering your mind. When your mind is no longer filled with constant thoughts and worries, you can begin to learn more about yourself and your deepest desires. Only in silence and stillness is this possible because you are in true connection with yourself and life in general. 

Whether you include a few or just one practice is up to you and your needs and preferences. If one method does not work for you, do not feel obligated to continue practicing it, but try not to feel discouraged by this, either. Continue being curious and finding a practice (or practices) that work for you. 

You may also find that sometimes practices may no longer click for you at a certain time in your life. Again, try not to feel discouraged by this, and know that this is a normal occurrence. It only means that you and your body need something else to accommodate new life circumstances. Let this change occur naturally, and do not try to force yourself to do something that does not work for you. 

How Long Does it Take to Find My Passion?

This really depends on each individual, so it is difficult to say. With constant dedication and practice, however, slowly but surely, you will subtly discover your passions. In a way, they already exist inside of you, but it may take time to allow yourself to see and discover them. In time, these passions will become more evident to you as you continuously engage in your personalized spiritual practices. 

Your passions may be deeply repressed inside of you due to external factors. For example, perhaps when you were a child, you really enjoyed painting. Maybe a family member, friend, or another authoritative adult in your life made a disapproving comment about your work. Or they might have deliberately not supported your painting, making you think you should not do it anymore. 

When you are convinced that your passions are wrong, engaging in them again will feel nearly impossible. Know that this is not impossible; it just requires lots of time and dedication to achieve results. It takes consistent self-affirming reminders to begin letting yourself realize your passions again. Training yourself to be able to do this takes plenty of time, so be patient with yourself and try to enjoy the process. Remember that the process of connecting with yourself and the world around you is a beautiful thing that takes time, so try to find the good in that process.

Do I Need to Have a Spiritual Mentor?

As mentioned earlier, this can be different for everybody. You might prefer not to rely on others to lead you on this journey, and that is okay. This can ensure that your spiritual process is unique and completely personalized for you. 

If you are having difficulty knowing where to begin or sticking to the process, connecting with trusted individuals can help. These people do not have to be solely connected to religions, however. Instead, they can be whoever you feel comfortable with. It is a good idea to consider involving mental health professionals as you seek guidance. They have the necessary tools you need to begin practicing spirituality that is meaningful and effective for you. You can trust that they will not expose you to harm and can help motivate you during this time. 

Spirituality is a great tool for those in recovery because it can help them find their passions in life. To find your passion, practice activities and actions that allow you to connect with yourself and the world around you. Doing so helps you declutter your mind and remain in the present moment. This leaves room for you to begin discovering what truly matters to you in your life. Keep in mind that this does not occur overnight. It takes lots of dedication and commitment to show any results. That is why it can be beneficial for some to seek the guidance of trusted individuals to guide them along this spiritual journey. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we want to support you on your spiritual journey by helping you find what works for you. Contact us today at to learn more.