Life Is A Gift, Not A Guarantee

"The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.”

- Tara Brach

We come into this world like wanderers. We won’t be here for long. Utilizing every moment of our lives on this earth is to fully live in the moment. We must accept that everything we’re given is a gift- each hour, minute, and each second is a gift to our mundane lives. And we must enjoy it to the fullest and live with gratitude everyday.

We must be grateful for what we have. Time is precious, and we shouldn’t waste even a second of it thinking about past mistakes. Instead, we have to take each minute for a new chance and make the best use of it.

Start being grateful for whatever chances you have been given. There’s a saying that goes “Time once lost is lost forever.” Hence, from today, make a promise to yourself that you won’t regret the time that’s gone, but practice gratitude for each new moment, for they come with immense new possibilities. Our mundane lives, the monotony of the whole week’s workload, can start to cloud our minds and make us forget how beautiful our lives are. Whenever we find ourselves in this situation, we must remind ourselves of this great quote by the author Tara Brach, that each minute brings an unrepeatable miracle.

I’ll take my past as a lesson and move forward with a smile. I’ll make the most of my time from now on. I’ll be grateful for each moment and live my life to the fullest.

Samantha Penn