Next Level Recovery Associates: A Team of Professionals with Remarkable Service

Our mission is to fill the gaps in the treatment process with expertise and passion and help others in their needs to become the best version of themselves.

As human beings, we are flawed and imperfect. We get diseases and disorders and sometimes we recover naturally, while some cases require us to seek professional help. Substance-abuse disorder, unhealthy family dynamics, and feelings of unfulfillment are just some of the problems that our services address. At Next Level Recovery Associates, our mission is to fill the gaps in the treatment process with expertise and passion and help others in their needs to become the best version of themselves.

Dream Team

At Next Level, you get to consult your problems and take valuable insights and help directly from the founders, Amanda and Blake, who are both certified life coaches. They have a supportive team of expert individuals who are all certified recovery specialists, life coaches, trained sober companions, medicine, and human psychology experts. With an exceptional team where everyone is qualified and specialized in recovery treatment and coaching, Next Level Recovery Associates brings you to the next level in every area of your life.

We offer personalized healing services to fit your unique situation and help you thrive. Our team specializes in substance-abuse disorders, recovery, and coaching. We understand your needs because we take the fight with addictions personally. Many of our team members have battled and won that fight in their own lives. So we ensure every client feels respected, safe, and understood. Together, we will get to the bottom of the problem and walk the path of progress to sobriety. Not just while you’re with us, but afterward, as alumni, as you celebrate your small victories and larger success.

Samantha Penn