Thrive In Your Path To Sobriety

“Courage isn’t having the strength to go on. It’s going on when you don’t have strength.”

- Napoleon Bonaparte

Only a few can truly thrive in the process of recovery because they don’t know the secrets that are before their eyes, which are getting out of bed every day, setting a list of goals, and working on them consistently until you have accomplished what you desire.

To thrive in the path to sobriety, do the following:

  • Treat every moment as a new opportunity to improve your life.

  • Stop dwelling on past mistakes.

  • Acknowledge all the benefits of sobriety that you will reap.

  • Make a list of goals. Make new promises to yourself.

  • Work on your dreams and goals and never give up.

  • Make small goals for each day and complete them.

  • Interact with new people- in therapy (our new Family Group Support sessions), 12-step meetings, and social media or Recovery Facebook group.

  • Release yourself from all the external drama and focus on your recovery.

  • Develop new habits and interests.

  • Acknowledge that you deserve the happiness and success that comes with sobriety.

  • Always look on the bright side.

Surviving is easy. But as soon as you rise from merely getting by, you will notice positive changes in your life. Do not wait until tomorrow to flourish in every area of your new sober life; start today.

Despite the trials that happen in my life, I still want to get better and make the lives of those around me better. I choose happiness over momentary distractions from life. I choose to be sober and to thrive!

Samantha Penn