Next Level Recovery

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What Can I Do Instead of Being on My Phone?

Having a cell phone means truly having the world at your fingertips. You can call loved ones, find out information about nearly any topic, and even complete work assignments. Because of its convenience, a mobile phone can be used nearly anytime for almost any purpose. It has become practically a requirement for you to have a cell phone in order to function correctly in society.

Given this information, it can seem nearly impossible to reduce the amount of time you spend on your cell phone. This is especially true when considering how much time is spent on your phone out of sheer boredom. Even though cell phone use is at an all-time high, this does not mean it has to take over your life. In fact, there are ways you can begin spending significantly less time on your cell phone. Mitigating boredom through other, healthier methods can allow you to spend more time away from your cell phone, reducing the chances of becoming addicted. Below are five suggested activities you can try instead of being on your phone.

#1. Make Plans With a Friend

Sometimes, even hanging out with a friend does not necessarily stop you from being on your phone because your friend may also be on their phone while around you. If prior to hanging out, you both set an intention of not using your phones, this can help you spend real, quality time together. You can have meaningful conversations with one another while going on a walk or getting some ice cream. Being with another person you care about can be a great way to spend your free time instead of being on your phone.

#2. Find a New Recipe to Bake or Cook

Even if you are not the most skilled chef or baker, finding a new recipe to try out can prove to be a fun, rewarding experience. It is the perfect way to cure a case of boredom because there are multiple steps; finding a recipe, gathering the ingredients, and actually making the dish. Creating something you find appealing and appetizing will help make the process more fun and rewarding. 

Each step may take some time to get the hang of at first, but that’s not a bad thing. By the time you have created what you saw in the picture, you will feel accomplished and proud of yourself for developing a fun life skill, and you will have something tasty to eat.

#3. Re-read One of Your Favorite Books or Series of Books

You might find yourself apprehensive about reading a new book in case you don't like it or somehow it is triggering for you. If this is the case, there is absolutely no shame in re-reading some of your favorite books or series. In fact, you may even pick up details that you missed the first time you read them. 

Aside from noticing new elements about the books, re-reading them can help you de-stress without using your cell phone. Reading can give you a healthy way to temporarily escape from the stressors of daily life. Reading your favorite books, no matter what they are, can even help develop your reading and writing skills over time.

#4. Rearrange Your Living Space

Sometimes, redoing your entire living space can be too expensive. However, the good news is that it costs nothing to rearrange your living space. By doing so, you effectively create a new environment for yourself that can help you feel refreshed and excited by the change. This process also exercises your creativity by forcing you to come up with new ways to utilize your space and pieces of furniture. It can also be an effective way to get active. Pushing couches and chairs, carrying TVs, and climbing ladders all count as physical activities that can boost your mood and your health. 

Although it may sound boring in theory, rearranging your space can be a fun way to distance yourself from your phone. Blast some tunes and rearrange your environment today.

#5. De-Stress Your Body

Unfortunately, your body will naturally carry tension that builds up over time if not tended to properly. This tension can cause you to experience the following: 

  • Tight muscles

  • Shortened tendons

  • Muscle cramps

  • Headaches

  • Knee pain

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Reduced range of motion in various areas of the body

In order to mitigate these effects of stress on the body, it can be helpful to try some activities that can help de-stress the body and reduce this tension build-up. Such activities include:

  • Gently rolling out your muscles with a foam roller

  • Getting a massage

  • Taking a warm bath with Epsom salt

  • Doing light stretches in the morning and evening

  • Practicing self-acupressure

  • Getting acupuncture

  • Using a lacrosse ball to safely target smaller muscle groups

These activities can help relax your muscles and reduce your tension. Not only is this beneficial for your overall health, but it can be a fun way for you to reduce your boredom as well. While rolling out your muscles, for example, you could light your favorite scented candles and play calming music. Personalize these activities so that they can become fun new additions to your daily routine. 

Cell phone use can prove to be all-consuming for many individuals. In order to reduce your cell phone use, you may consider participating in other healthier activities instead. Some of these activities could include spending time with a friend, finding a new recipe to try, rereading a favorite book or series of books, rearranging your living space, and finding ways to de-stress your body. In more serious cases, however, you may need professional assistance to help reduce the amount of time you spend on your cell phone. Consider reaching out to our team at Next Level Recovery Associates. With us, you can learn more about yourself and how to manage living in a digitally obsessed world. We can help you find healthy, personalized ways to reduce your cell phone use. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today at