What Can I Expect While in Treatment?

Seeking treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) can be an incredibly intimidating time, to say the least. You likely have many hesitations, questions, and uncertainty as you explore this new path. While this is fairly typical, it can be problematic if your hesitations prevent you from taking the steps you need to achieve lasting sobriety and inner peace. Understanding what you can expect during treatment can help mitigate feelings of hesitancy and fear before starting this new phase of your life. 

Preparing for Treatment

Effective SUD treatment requires several important components. Although not every treatment journey will look the same for everyone, there are a few expectations that you can have as you enter treatment and recovery. Some of these components include:

Collaborative Care

You might be tempted to assume that effective recovery occurs through the direction of one specific staff member, such as a therapist. It is important to understand that nearly all treatment centers prioritize collaborative care. Collaborative care describes a team of working professionals who come together to create the most effective treatment plan for a client. Your recovery needs to address many different topics such as identity, trauma, sobriety, and co-occurring mental health disorders. To do this, it is important to have the support of various individuals who specialize in each related field.

While having a diverse team of individuals there to support and care for you, it is even more important that these individuals actively work together. By regularly communicating and checking in with one another, your collaborative care team can ensure that all of your needs are being met. Working together as a team helps them relay vital information to one another to administer quality care during your time in treatment. A treatment team of individuals that work together like this can benefit your recovery journey in many valuable ways.

Individualized Treatment

As mentioned previously, your treatment plan will not look the same as someone else's treatment plan. While in treatment, you can expect to have your care plans individualized to meet your specific needs and treatment goals. A more generalized approach may neglect to attend to specific issues that may contribute to relapse in the future if they are not addressed, such as trauma. 

To avoid this risk, it is important to have treatment that considers your specific needs. Individualized treatment offers the opportunity for clients to create a life free from the bonds of SUD, while also allowing them to grow into the person they want to become. With this kind of care, you are not just a number. Who you are and where you have been in life matter when it comes to your healing. Being surrounded by people who consider these things and get to know you as a person means that your treatment will be that much more effective.

Continued Care and Support

A lot of vital transformations occur during the treatment phase of recovery. Because so many of these changes happen in a relatively short amount of time, you may think that once you finish a treatment program, recovery is complete. This is not the case, but that does not mean that this is a bad thing. Continuing recovery after treatment is essential as it will help you to establish long-term sobriety within your community and will encourage you to find deeper meaning in your life. 

Although you might just be beginning your time in treatment, considering your life after treatment is incredibly important. Entering life outside of treatment can be incredibly overwhelming because of triggers and stressors. Your time in treatment can provide you with continued care that can help you navigate these challenges in healthy ways. You will have access to resources that offer continued support and skills that you will need at this point in your recovery. You can expect to plan for your aftercare along the way, as well as engage in various therapeutic modalities that you can continue well after treatment. 

Will My Experience Be Worthwhile?

No matter where you receive treatment, you can feel safe knowing that trained professionals are there to guide you through every step of treatment and recovery. In recovery, peer support and care are vital for a successful treatment experience. There are many other factors as well, but feeling continuously supported and cared for by others can motivate you to keep going even when things seem too difficult. They can help you realize all of the wonderful things about yourself and remind you of your incredible strength. Having these kinds of people during your time in treatment will absolutely make your treatment experience worthwhile. 

Beginning treatment can be intimidating and nerve-wracking. Instead of concentrating on the unknown, it can help to know what to expect from treatment before you begin a treatment program. In treatment, you can expect to have a team of caring individuals by your side, experience individualized care that suits your needs, and have access to continued forms of care after you complete your treatment program. Investing in your recovery by seeking treatment is always worth it. At Next Level Recovery Associates, we want you to feel confident that this investment is well worth it for your health and well-being. Our recovery companions can accompany you to your meetings, help ease any nerves or hesitancies, and even help you regain confidence in yourself. While recovery is a challenging road for everybody, it is possible. To learn more about our programs, contact consult@nextlevelra.com.