What Is Gaming Disorder and How Can Next Level Recovery Help Me?

Playing digital games or video games can be a great way to destress and provide entertainment in most cases. There are, however, an increasing number of individuals for whom this harmless pastime has become an uncontrollable compulsion. For these people, gaming disorder is an actual and life-altering condition.

Gaming Disorder

Gaming disorder is an excessive and uncontrollable behavior related to playing a game, even with known harmful consequences. This behavior becomes all-consuming and replaces other activities and interests. This can occur in video games, games you play on your phone, and pc gaming. It doesn't discriminate based on your gaming method or the type of game played.

Causes of Gaming Addiction

The reason behind your gaming varies from person to person. It can depend on what is going on in your life or how it makes you feel when you play.

Some people use gaming as an escape from reality. This escape can become consuming because it is preferable to your real life. This can be due to stress from work, an unpleasant home life, etc. 

Others use gaming to find a sense of purpose and accomplishment. This may be the only way they have that feeling, so they become addicted. They want to continue feeling it as often as possible, increasing their gaming and neglecting their other hobbies and responsibilities. 

Another reason may be the reward system that is part of the game. This can occur when you complete missions or activities in the game, which results in prizes that you can use to update things in the game or help you advance. In this way, gaming disorder acts like other addictions by causing a release of dopamine in the brain that cause euphoria and makes you want to continue playing.


The symptoms must be serious enough to cause significant changes to their life and last for 12 months. Criteria for diagnosis include:

  • Fully engrossed in the game

  • stopping play of the game causes withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and depression

  • Time played increases

  • Unable to reduce time spent playing and quit altogether

  • Lose interest in other activities you once enjoyed

  • Continue amount of playing even with known consequences

  • Being secretive about the amount of gaming

  • Make negative emotions around gaming seem less severe than they are

  • Loss of ability to perform daily tasks and keep up with responsibilities


Treatment for gaming addiction can include any of the following.

Individual Therapy

This consists of sessions between yourself and a mental health professional to work through your gaming disorder and the underlying conditions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Also known as CBT, this talk therapy involves determining current beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors to change the negative ones. This method acknowledges that your behaviors are linked to the amount of belief and thought you place around them.

Group Therapy

Group therapy involves multiple clients coming together to discuss their problems and concerns with the help of a mental health professional. This allows you to hear others' stories and struggles around their gaming addiction. It also lets you know that you are not alone.

Family Therapy

This form of therapy incorporates you and your loved ones to discuss the concerns and problems surrounding your gaming disorder while being in a controlled and safe environment with a mental health professional. This allows you to work through your conflicts and better your relationships. 

Multimodal School-Based Group Therapy

This form of group therapy can be done in the school environment with the help of trained teachers. Its purpose is to better communication and the relationships between parents and their children.


There are a few things to look for and ways to prevent gaming addiction.


Limit the time you or your loved one can spend playing their game or gaming devices. This can include limiting internet and electronic usage to prevent gaming disorders and digital addictions altogether.

What to Look For

Look out for warning signs that may be pointing to the start of a gaming addiction, which include things like:

  • Giving up other interests to game

  • Worsening grades or work ethic

  • Increased amount of time playing

  • Isolating oneself to play more

How Next Level Recovery Can Help

Next Level Recovery treats a variety of addictions and mental health disorders, including digital addictions like gaming disorders. We understand that the digital prevalence in our lives can have a negative effect, and we want to help. 

We believe in an individualized treatment plan because we know that every case of addiction is different. There are different types, severity, and reasons behind your gaming disorder. We take the time to get to know you and your loved ones so we can properly create a care plan that will meet everyone's needs. 

Next Level Recovery wants to discover the root cause of your gaming so that we can treat the underlying cause. Treating the underlying cause will allow them to decrease the likelihood of relapse once your treatment has ended. 

Addiction can occur with a variety of things. Gaming disorder is another example of how an innocent behavior can become an addiction. It can start as a simple way to provide entertainment and stress relief but quickly turn into compulsive, uncontrollable behavior. You probably aren't aware of how your gaming is becoming problematic in your life, or you are and just don't know how to fix it. You are not alone. There are people that understand and want to help you. We at Next Level Recovery can provide a personalized experience to ensure you get everything you need to thrive in your recovery journey. Don't wait; reach out today. For more information, email us at consult@nextlevelra.com.