What Is the Difference Between Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment Programs?

Realizing you need help and looking into treatment can seem like a daunting task. There is so much information on the internet, and it can be difficult to get through it all to find the best option for yourself. Inpatient and outpatient facilities can have similar treatment methods, but how they present and administer them can vary. 

One method is not better than the other. Everyone is different, so the method that works for someone else may not be your best option. This article is intended to compare inpatient and outpatient treatment in hopes of helping you make the right decision for yourself, your family, and your life.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient or residential facilities are where you are a live-in patient for the duration of your treatment. These facilities can be for a predetermined time period, such as a 30-day stay, or it can be until your treatment team, and you feel you are ready to leave. Commonly, those with severe addiction or co-occurring conditions will choose inpatient treatment


Inpatient treatment offers numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Being surrounded by staff and your treatment team means it is easier to be held accountable for your recovery

  • Detox may be available in the same facility

  • Having constant supervision and access to care means there is less chance for you to be triggered and relapse.

  • There is no paraphernalia or substances that can trigger your addiction

  • The staff can help get you through detox and provide 24-hour care

  • Full access to care can make those suffering from multiple conditions feel more comfortable and increase their chances of success

  • Inpatient facilities build structured routines, so you know what will be happening on a daily, even hourly, basis


Depending on your situation, inpatient treatment may not be best for you for the following reasons:

  • Limited phone use

  • Restrictions on digital device usage

  • Set visitation schedules

  • Restrictions on who can visit

  • A strict list of what you can and cannot bring with you

  • Separation from friends and family

  • Missing out on milestones, important events, and holidays

  • Arranging care for children, pets, and plants while you are away

  • Being away from your daily life, including work or school and home

  • It can be difficult to transition back to outside life

  • It can be more expensive since you are paying to live there

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is done through regularly scheduled appointments while you continue in your daily life. 


Outpatient treatment offers some benefits, including the following:

  • More cost-effective because you are not living there

  • Gives you the ability to continue your daily life while seeking treatment

  • Allows you to continue to live in the comfort of your own home

  • You can be present in your family and friends' lives

  • You won't miss out on special events or holidays


Outpatient also has some inherent difficulties:

  • More freedom can make you more susceptible to triggers and relapse

  • You are responsible for making sure you attend your appointments and maintain your treatment regimen

  • You won't have access to 24-hour care that can provide comfort and act as a safety net when you are having difficulty staying sober.

  • You will need to rely on support groups more since you don't have access to round-the-clock care.

  • You will be responsible for establishing and maintaining a healthy routine

Recovery Companions

Recovery companions are an outpatient program offered through Next Level Recovery. They are professionals trained to help you through the stages of treatment and transitioning to life outside of treatment. These companions are hand-picked and personalized to meet your needs throughout your recovery journey. 

They can help in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Help in determining what type of treatment may be best for you

  • Taking you to and from treatment

  • Accompanying you to your therapy sessions

  • Identifying triggers and hazardous environments that may lead to a relapse

  • Attending high-risk events with you, including weddings, family reunions, funerals, vacations, and business travel

  • Creating a healthy routine for you to follow

  • Providing support at any time when you are under increased pressure or stress

  • Helping you find housing


This article is not meant to tell you which option is the better choice. It is meant to give you insight into the pros and cons of inpatient and outpatient facilities so you can choose which is best for you. Universal treatment that will work for everyone does not exist. Everyone needs different environments and methods for treatment. Think about what you have done already and whether that has worked in the past or if you need to try something different this time to stick to your recovery journey. You need to think about what will work best for you, your life, and your family.

Finding the proper treatment method for yourself or a loved one can seem like a daunting task. There are a multitude of options and an abundance of information that may be overwhelming to try and sift through on your own. You aren't alone. There are people who want to help you and want to provide the correct personalized care for you. At Next Level Recovery, we are ready to help you. We offer recovery companions to assist you on your path and help you through each stage of treatment. We can provide you with a personalized experience to ensure you get everything you need to thrive in your journey. For more information, email us at consult@nextlevelra.com.