When Is It Time to Get Help for an Online Shopping Addiction?

Due to the pandemic and the lasting effects of COVID-19, online shopping has become more popular than ever. In fact, “According to the most recent 2020 ARTS release, e-commerce sales increased by $244.2 billion or 43% in 2020, the first year of the pandemic, rising from $571.2 billion in 2019 to $815.4 billion in 2020.” This rise in online shopping is largely due to safety precautions and convenience. As some areas of the United States loosen their COVID-19 restrictions and shopping centers open again, individuals are still choosing to shop online out of habit and convenience. 

While this can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and help individuals save an in-person trip to the store, it also has its own set of consequences. Knowing these consequences can help individuals reduce their online shopping habits before they become addicted. In the case where harmless online shopping does turn into an addiction, it is important to know what warning signs to look out for and to know that treatment is available.

Can Online Shopping Become a Bad Thing?

Much like anything else in life, online shopping can become a negative thing when it is abused. Even though it can be a convenient, safe way for individuals to get their shopping done, it can easily become a digital addiction if not monitored properly. 

Online shopping addictions can be especially concerning because they can negatively impact a person's mental health, physical health, and financial stability in severe ways. They may find that they experience more negative self-talk or feel uninterested in their daily lives outside of online shopping. Financially speaking, online shopping can wreak havoc on a person's life. It can cause them to not be able to pay their bills on time or spend excess money on materialistic wants rather than necessities.

Signs of an Online Shopping Addiction

Many signs can indicate when a person is struggling with an online shopping addiction. Some signs do not always indicate an addiction, but it can be helpful to keep note of concerning behaviors. Some of these signs and behaviors include, but are not limited to:

Social Isolation

When individuals are struggling with an online shopping addiction, they will often skip out on spending time with others in order to dedicate time to their addiction. They can become so consumed by their addiction that they spend hours on end when shopping online. Because they crave the release of dopamine that online shopping gives them, they might spend excessive hours alone each day. 

Financial Issues

Those with online shopping addictions might spend more money than they should on various products. They may ignore budgets they have made for each month or neglect to budget altogether. Instead, they become reliant on constantly purchasing goods online to distract them or give them a “rush” of happiness and even euphoria. This reliance can cause them to disregard paying for necessary bills, food, and other basic necessities. As a result, individuals may find themselves without their basic needs and in a substantial amount of debt as well. 

Depression or Anxiety

Surprisingly enough, individuals with a shopping addiction can experience symptoms of anxiety and depression if the addiction persists long enough. Although this addiction can give them a temporary rush of excitement and happiness, when the process is over, they might be left feeling worse than before. This is because they are left realizing that their original painful feelings and problems are not gone. No matter what they buy, these feelings will persist and even get worse with time. Depression and anxiety can also develop as a result of individuals not tending to their basic needs. When individuals prioritize their addictive behaviors over their mental and physical health, it is only a matter of time before they experience worsening mental health symptoms.

New Clothes or Other Items

A person who has an online shopping addiction will frequently purchase new clothes or other items that actively feed their addiction. This is evident when the person is frequently seen using new items. Some of these new items can include things such as:

  • Clothes

  • Kitchenware

  • Home decorations

  • Books

  • Electronic devices

  • Cars

  • Makeup

  • Pet accessories

  • Work out equipment

A person can buy a multitude of new things that feed their addiction. No matter what these items are, excess spending can demonstrate that the individual has a concerning addiction that needs to be addressed. When they invest all of their time and energy into buying new things, they are distracting themselves from other important things in their lives that must be addressed. Getting help is vital in order to change these concerning habits and behaviors. 

Online shopping addictions have become more of a concern over the years. In order to overcome this addiction, individuals must reach out for help. Recognizing the signs of online shopping addiction can help you know when it is time to get help. Some of the signs include social isolation, financial issues, depression or anxiety, and wearing new clothes or using new items. Even though online shopping can be beneficial and has been highly normalized, people can still become addicted to it. As a result, the repercussions can severely damage a person's life. Online shopping addictions are complicated issues, and those of us at Next Level Recovery Associates are here to help you. We want to ensure that online shopping addictions do not control your life. We can help you take back control. To learn more about our treatment programs, contact us today at consult@nextlevelra.com.