Next Level Recovery

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Why Is an Individualized Treatment Plan Important for Recovery?

When it comes to addiction treatment and recovery, Next Level Recovery Associates knows what works, and we know it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Just as you select and wear clothing that fits your body size and preferences, we’ve found that clients do best when they have a personalized plan that fits them and their unique situation. 

Making a life change, even when it’s a positive change, such as getting treatment for an addiction, can be intimidating. We know how important it is that clients feel that our program is the right fit for them. Finding the right fit comes from giving them customized, tailor-made treatment and recovery plans designed with their needs and goals in mind.

What Is an Individualized Treatment Plan?

Cookie-cutters are really good for only, well, cookies. Human beings are more complex than that. We have individual thoughts and feelings, and each of us may be motivated by or struggling with different things. Churning out the exact same size and shape for treatment like with a cookie cutter rarely proves effective.

For this reason, an individualized treatment plan can make all the difference in a person’s successful treatment and recovery. Taking into account the client’s unique situation, needs, and desires, we can design a treatment plan that includes many different options for interventions. Such interventions might be family coaching, local resources, and recovery coaching and companions. These last two can offer some of the most highly dedicated and personalized services of all.

What Is a Recovery Companion?

Think of a recovery companion as a guardian angel over sobriety. These professionals are service workers assigned to clients to work with them one-on-one through treatment and recovery. The time immediately following treatment is crucial for support. Studies show almost two-thirds of people begin using substances within weeks after treatment.

A recovery companion can provide the dedicated support people need to stay committed to their treatment and recovery goals. This is especially pertinent when returning to the “real world” and facing the temptation to return to old patterns. With the positive influence of a recovery companion, clients are more likely to succeed and live a life free of addiction. 

What Does a Recovery Companion Do?

A recovery companion works closely with the client to help them navigate treatment and recovery. They exist as someone who listens and responds to the client's individual needs. A recovery companion can participate in activities such as accompanying the client to and from treatment and recovery centers. They can also stay with the client as they transition from the recovery center to their home. Additionally, they may recommend and attend therapy sessions and support groups with the client.

Recovery companions can also work with the client to plan a healthy daily routine to keep up with recovery. Finally, they can attend social gatherings where the client may need extra support. Overall, recovery companions provide support that goes above and beyond standard treatment and recovery plans.

Can a Family Member Act as a Recovery Companion?

A trained, dedicated recovery companion is a better choice for this role than a spouse, or a parent might be. Recovery companions are trained professionals who have the time, tools, and resources needed to provide the client with the highest quality care.

A parent or spouse, no matter how loving or well-intentioned, likely has their own job or responsibilities that take up much of their time. They may not have the same abilities or resources as a recovery companion, though they are no less important in their loved one’s treatment or recovery. It’s just that they can best serve by being the best spouse or parent they can be without taking on an additional role.

A recovery companion can provide an extra level of support than what an already stretched thin family member may have the time, energy, or ability to do on their own.

Why Is a Recovery Companion a Good Choice?

Because recovery companions have been through addiction, treatment, and recovery, they are in a unique position to relate to what the client is going through and serve as a model for life on the other side. Recovery Companions lead through kindness, compassion, and empathy, helping to dispel some of the shame and struggles associated with addiction. Having a Recovery Companion is like having a guide who can steer the ship out of the turbulent, stormy seas of addiction and into calmer waters with a beautiful horizon. 

Seeking support from a recovery companion can also help keep individuals motivated and focused. These factors are essential when working to maintain sobriety daily. It is also important for the recovery process as a whole. With this support, recovering individuals will continue to develop skills to succeed in recovery and beyond. 

A recovery companion is a highly personal part of an individualized treatment plan, including interventions, family counseling, and recovery counseling. Using these elements in an individualized approach to treatment and recovery is much more effective than a cookie-cutter approach, especially during the crucial early recovery phase when the likelihood of relapse is high. Next Level Recovery Associates is here to provide individualized treatment plans, including a recovery companion, for the client’s successful recovery. Our founders created NLRA after realizing the need for a personalized approach with one-on-one assistance. By giving clients the next level of individual support, we help clients level up their lives–feeling good because their life is good, so they don’t even want to use substances. To learn more about how Next Level Recovery Associates can help you or your loved one get to the next level of life, send a message to