How To Prevent Relapse During The Holiday Season

With a safe and thought-out plan, you can dive into the holiday fun and festivities without the need for substance use or giving into temptation.

The holiday season can become overbearing for individuals in their recovery journey. However, it’s not impossible to have a sober holiday amid relapse triggers. With a safe and thought-out plan, you can dive into the holiday fun and festivities without the need for substance use or giving into temptation.

Here are 6 ways to prevent relapse during the holidays:

  1. Make a plan - Plan your holidays ahead of time. You don’t have to make plans for the whole season at once. Take one day at a time and make a plan for it. If you stay focused on your holiday agenda, you can easily avoid a relapse.

  2. Know your triggers - If you are attending an activity that you feel may trigger a relapse, bring a sober friend with you. If you are going to be in a stressful situation or be with stressful people, limit your time there. If you begin to feel uncomfortable, remember that it’s okay to leave. Setting boundaries with friends and family is an important step during the holiday season.

  3. Bring your own non-alcoholic drink - In case it will be difficult to find or ask for a non-alcoholic drink at an event, bring your own favorite beverage with you. A safe drink, such as sparkling cider or flavored water can help you to feel more like a part of the celebration without putting your sobriety in danger.

  4. Rely on your support system - During the holiday season, keep your support system closer. Attend more meetings, keep in touch with your sponsors, and stay close to friends and family who support your recovery.

  5. Prepare your responses - If you’re unwilling to explain to anyone about your recovery, prepare yourself beforehand by setting boundaries when a friend or a family member is pushing you to be under the influence. Have a plan and practice what you are going to say so you can answer comfortably and give yourself an out.

  6. Take care of yourself - The holidays can get stressful for anyone, especially when in recovery. Take care of yourself by doing your favorite self-care activities. Keep the stress level low and meditate frequently.

Follow these steps and keep yourself committed to your recovery. Preventing a relapse during the holidays is not impossible with careful planning and a healthy support system.

Samantha Penn