12 Tools For Building Your Sobriety Toolbox

You can build a sober life with the help of the right tools.

Building a sober life and staying clean is a goal recovering individuals strive to achieve. But it takes much more than just quitting drugs or alcohol. Attaining sobriety is hard, but maintaining can be more challenging. However, you can build a sober life with the help of the right tools.

Sobriety toolboxes help avoid relapses after receiving treatment, regardless of your recovery phase. Your sobriety toolbox will be as unique as you are, and it will change and evolve along with your recovery.

Here are some tools to help you build your sobriety toolbox:

  1. Family support
    A supportive group of friends and family can boost your motivation to stay sober and are some of the most powerful tools in your sober toolbox.

  2. Community support
    12-step meeting groups, AA, NA, and other recovery groups can be a vital tool for your sobriety toolbox.

  3. Surrounding yourself with inspirational people
    Sobriety success stories from inspirational people can help you stay on track with your sobriety.

  4. Motivational phrases and affirmations
    Find quotes and affirmations that motivate you daily. Read them as you go along the day.

  5. Creative hobbies
    The list of potential hobbies is endless, but many people battling substance use disorder find that creative pursuits help the most. These activities provide an outlet for expression. Some creative hobbies include: Journaling, Painting, Baking, Hiking, Making music, Arts and crafts, Playing an instrument

  6. Books and learning
    Reading helps your mind focus on something other than the desire to use drugs or alcohol. Books can act as an escape or a way to learn more about yourself or topics of interest. People who don’t enjoy traditional reading might like audiobooks or podcasts. Recovery is a long-term process that constitutes effort, dedication, and determination. However, refraining from alcohol or substance use is not enough for a complete recovery. If you want to accelerate the process of recovery, you will need to accumulate more healing resources into your recovery journey.

    Our goal at Next Level Recovery Associates is to provide helpful recovery resource recommendations to help individuals promote positive life outcomes and live healthier lives. Reading, listening, and watching certain materials can aid the recovery process. Check our recommended list here!

  7. Quality sleep
    Getting a good night's sleep keeps the stress levels low.

  8. Your favorite exercise
    Exercising improves physical and mental health, essential for releasing natural endorphins for the recovery journey.

  9. Healing treatments
    Healing treatments such as massage, acupuncture, and hot baths provide relaxation and an opportunity for self-care. If anxiety and stress trigger your addiction, adding healing treatments into your routine can make a big difference in your effort to stay sober.

  10. Meditation
    Meditation will act as an accelerator to keep you more focused and committed to your journey.

  11. Getting spiritual
    For some people, getting spiritual can help in self-reflection and increase concentration resulting in you being more in control of your emotions.

  12. A proper routine
    A proper routine will help you stay on track so that you don't get distracted and indulge in undesired behavior like drinking.

Most importantly, Don't forget to track and celebrate your sober days.

It does not matter how long someone has been sober; building on what you've achieved thus far is a great way to move forward with a positive attitude. Tracking your consecutive sober milestone can be highly motivating to continue your sobriety journey!

Samantha Penn