What Is The Impact of Social Media Addiction?

Odds are, social media has become a significant part of your everyday life. This is not necessarily your fault either, as it has nearly become a social requirement for everyone. However, just because the use of social media has become extremely prevalent in your life does not mean that you won't develop an addiction to it. 

Why Is Social Media So Popular?

Consider all the different social media platforms that you have installed on your device. These can include:

  • Snapchat

  • Instagram

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • TikTok

  • Youtube

  • Pinterest

  • Tumblr

  • LinkedIn

Social media was designed to help connect you to friends and family members who you cannot see in person. It can also help you build and create professional connections as well to find a job or develop your career. 

Although created with some honorable intentions, it was also designed to be addictive. Developers of these platforms want their creations to be successful, so they designed these in such a way that would make people want to spend a lot of time using them. Social media is so effective at getting attention because it triggers the same part of the brain that is triggered when addictive substances are used, thus making social media a kind of potential addiction. 

Humans need connection with others, and social media allows for a certain level of this kind of connection. This is one reason why it is so addictive and appealing. Yet, it is also addicting because it releases an abnormal amount of dopamine in your brain that leaves you craving more. 

Why Is Social Media Addiction Bad?

Given how widely popular social media is today, you may be wondering, why is social media addiction considered bad when it's not a substance? 

Just because social media is popular does not necessarily mean that it is entirely safe, unfortunately. There are many negative effects that can be caused by social media addiction. Some of these include:

It Can Interfere With Work or School

Due to the convenience and ease of social media use, it can be used even during times when you do not necessarily want to be using it. If you are sitting at your desk during school or work and are supposed to be paying attention to a mundane task, it is incredibly easy to take out your phone (or another electronic device) to get on social media. The fact that social media releases dopamine in the brain also makes it appealing to turn to when you are supposed to be completing more mundane tasks. In doing so, however, you may face severe consequences at work or school for neglecting your tasks. Such consequences could even include financial repercussions. 

It Can Cause Depression

Social media addiction can cause you to experience depression for many different reasons. One such reason includes comparison. Because of the visual nature of these platforms, it is easy to compare yourself to the way others make themselves appear online. This is especially true for platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and even Facebook where the use of pictures and videos is especially prevalent. 

Online, the people you see can make illusions of themselves in the sense that the pictures and videos they take will never be able to depict them as they are in real life. Instead, they only ever capture brief, constructed moments of themselves they want others to see. Even though you can logically know this is illusionary, constantly comparing your flawed self to carefully crafted versions of others can make you suffer from low self-esteem, thus creating depression. 

Another reason why social media can cause depression is that it can make you feel extremely lonely. Due to the involuntary distraction that it may cause you to experience, you may inadvertently ignore others around you to be on social media. It may also distract you so much that you forget to meet up with friends and family altogether because you were spending so much time on these platforms. Eventually, you may realize that you have not had enough direct human connection as a consequence of social media use, which then can cause depression. 

Do I Need to Delete Social Media Forever?

Just because you struggle with social media addiction does not mean you need to cut it out of your life altogether. While this may be the ideal solution for some, it does not need to be the correct move for you. 

Social media is very popular and has some significant benefits. It is possible that you just need some assistance with your moderation of social media and digital devices. Luckily, there are healthcare professionals who can help assist you with this goal.

It is no secret that social media controls much of everyone's daily lives. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have become so popular for various reasons. They connect you with others who are far away and they cause your brain to release an abnormal amount of dopamine, creating an addictive effect. The abuse of social media can cause many concerning effects, such as an interference with school or work and even depression. If you struggle with social media abuse, you do not have to worry about getting rid of social media forever. Instead, you may just need a little help from caring, trained professionals. Our staff at Next Level Recovery Associates understands the intricacies of social media abuse. They want to give you the tools to overcome this abuse and remind you how strong and capable you are. Reach out to us today at consult@nextlevelra.com.