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Seniors and Substance Use Disorders

Seniors make up a large percentage of the world's population. According to the Administration for Community Living (ACL), "People age 65+ represented 16% of the population in 2019. That is expected to be 21.6% by 2040." 

The number of seniors diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring disorders has increased over the last two decades. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine reported, "Illicit drug use is more prevalent among American older adults than among older adults in almost any other country in the world." 

You can protect your loved ones by ensuring they get professional treatment if you believe they may have SUD. Any substance misuse and even social drinking can cause health complications in older adults. Seniors with SUD are at a higher risk of severe symptoms, including illness, injury, or death.

4 Reasons Seniors Might Misuse Substances 

Generally, the risk of developing SUD decreases over time. However, seniors have a few factors that put them at higher risk. For example, they face challenges related to natural aging and side effects from prescription medications. Memory issues, cognitive decline, difficulty focusing, and chronic health conditions can increase the risk of developing a mental health disorder or substance misuse. 

The most common substances misused by seniors include prescription and nonprescription marijuana, prescription painkillers, illegal substances, and alcohol. Seniors who drink any amount of alcohol can experience significant adverse side effects. 

Below are four common reasons seniors might misuse substances.

#1. Unintentional Substance Misuse 

In some cases, age-related cognitive decline and other health issues can cause unintentional substance misuse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), "Chronic health conditions tend to develop as part of aging, and older adults are often prescribed more medicines than other age groups, leading to a higher rate of exposure to potentially addictive medications." 

Seniors are more likely to have multiple prescription medications they must take one or more times a day. In some cases, memory issues or difficulty focusing can cause them to frequently take more than the recommended dose, increasing the risk of substance misuse. 

#2. Self-Medicating and Mental Health Disorders

According to NIDA, "[A]ddiction scientists have long understood that stress, trauma, mental illnesses, and other types of mental distress make people more vulnerable to developing substance use disorders." Disability, chronic pain, and mental health disorders, including depression, can cause some seniors to misuse substances to self-medicate and cope with the symptoms. 

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many seniors were isolated for their safety, making it difficult to get treatment for depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues exacerbated by fears and uncertainty related to the pandemic. Some seniors turned to alcohol and marijuana or misused prescription medications to cope with these negative feelings. 

Self-medicating is highly dangerous. The effects of self-medicating vary significantly depending on the substance and can include: 

  • Organ and brain damage

  • Cognitive decline

  • Higher stress levels

  • Physical symptoms like tremors, seizures, and pain

  • Increased risk of severe accidents

  • Unconsciousness, coma, or death

#3. Loneliness and Social Isolation 

Loneliness and social isolation are the most common causes of physical and mental issues in seniors. Isolation can be an unintended side effect of having a loved one in a retirement community or assisted living facility. Regular visits may be impractical or stressful for family members, leaving seniors alone for long periods. Loneliness can also result from a decreased ability to communicate caused by cognitive or physical decline.

#4. The COVID-19 Pandemic 

The ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone differently. COVID-19 has significantly impacted seniors due to the high fatality rate among seniors and social lockdowns during the early stages of the pandemic. Anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues have increased in all age groups since the pandemic started. 

The first year of the pandemic involved worldwide social isolation, which made it more difficult for seniors and their family members to access nonemergency medical care, which may have contributed to substance misuse as a form of self-medication. The pandemic continues to cause anxiety, stress, and depression in older adults, which makes them more vulnerable to substance use.

Common Co-Occurring Conditions and Treatment Complications 

Seniors may experience various complications if they have one or more co-occurring health conditions, including: 

  • Chronic pain

  • Serious illness or injury

  • Disability

  • Cognitive disorders

  • Mental health disorders

  • Effects of natural aging

A recovery associate at Next Level Recovery Associates can help your loved one find healthy ways to cope with daily stressors and health complications while in recovery. We personalize case management and services to ensure senior clients can access all the local resources and support they need to feel safe and comfortable. 

Our recovery associates are passionate about treating every senior client with dignity and respect. We can help your loved one heal from SUD and thrive in long-term recovery.

The natural effects of aging and risks associated with older adults can increase the risk of seniors developing substance use disorder (SUD). Social stigmas and decreased access to mental health services make it more difficult for seniors to get the help they need. The global COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for additional mental health services for seniors living alone, with family, or in assisted living facilities. Since 2019, the percentage of seniors diagnosed with SUD or co-occurring disorders has increased substantially. Families all over the country struggle to find support for their loved ones. Next Level Recovery Associates provides seniors with 24/7 support from knowledgeable companions who provide concierge coaching, case management, and individualized recovery services. We collaborate with families to determine the best approach to care for seniors and provide them with local recovery services. To learn more about Next Level Recovery Associates, contact us at